Planning lessons for critical thinking:
a way to improve learning outcomes in the english as a foreign language classroom
Investigación y Desarrollo • Volumen 11 • 2016 • Diciembre • Nº 1 • ISSN: 1390-5546 / e-ISSN: 2361-2557Investigación y Desarrollo • Volumen 11 • 2016 • Diciembre • Nº 1 • ISSN: 1390-5546 / e-ISSN: 2361-2557
Wilma Guadalupe Villacís Villacís / Universidad Técnica de Ambato / wilmagvillacisv@uta.edu.ec
Cynthia Soledad Hidalgo Camacho/ Universidad Técnica de Ambato / cs.hidalgo@uta.edu.ec
ncouraging critical thinking (CT) in the EFL classroom is something that every professional in the educational field should be responsible for. The
aim of this paper was to make an analysis of different studies on the topic. The methodology used was based on a descriptive study through
the analysis of several primary sources such as research papers on the topic that have been published in scientific journals, books, records of or-
ganizations, among others. These sources lead to the identification of important elements in a lesson plan for critical thinking: elements of thought,
intellectual standards and intellectual traits. Writing good learning objectives is just as important as selecting effective activities and determining
ideal assessments to facilitate that teachers and students perceive what is to be achieved in the class and how. Aligning the tenets of critical thin-
king when planning a lesson promotes real learning in our students through the achievement of effective learning outcomes. In conclusion, critical
thinking skills need to be developed on a daily basis rather than as a part of isolated lessons that uncommonly take place.
Critical thinking, Bloom´s Taxonomy, Intellectual Traits, CT strategies,
l estimular el pensamiento crítico (CT) en el aula de enseñanza del inglés como lengua extranjera, es responsabilidad de todo educador. El
objetivo de este documento académico es realizar un análisis de diferentes estudios del tópico. La metodología usada se ha basado en un
estudio descriptivo de análisis de algunas fuentes de información primarias como: investigaciones acerca del tópico que han sido publicadas
en revistas científicas, libros, registros de organizaciones, entre otros. Estas fuentes guían a la identificación de elementos importantes para un
plan de clase con enfoque al pensamiento crítico: elementos del pensamiento, estándares intelectuales y rasgos intelectuales. El escribir buenos
objetivos de aprendizaje, es tan importante como es el escoger actividades efectivas y determinar la evaluación ideal para que educadores y
estudiantes puedan percibir qué será alcanzado en la clase y cómo. Al alinear los principios de pensamiento crítico, estaremos incentivando en
nuestros estudiantes aprendizaje real a través de la consecución efectiva de logros de aprendizaje. En conclusión, las destrezas de pensamiento
crítico necesitan ser desarrolladas a diario, más que dentro de una lección aislada que no se realiza regularmente.
Palabras claves:
Pensamiento Crítico, Taxonomía de Bloom, Rasgos intelectuales, Estrategias
para pensamiento Crítico, Evaluación
Investigación y Desarrollo • Revista de Divulgación Científica y Cultural • Volumen 11
Diciembre 2016 • PP 49 - 57 • Dirección de Investigación y Desarrollo • U.T.A. • Ambato - Ecuador
ISSN: 1390 - 5546 / e-ISSN: 2361-2557
Wilma Guadalupe Villacís-Villacís; Cynthia Soledad Hidalgo-Camacho
Investigación y Desarrollo • Volumen 11 • 2016 • Diciembre • Nº 1 • ISSN: 1390-5546 / e-ISSN: 2361-2557Investigación y Desarrollo • Volumen 11 • 2016 • Diciembre • Nº 1 • ISSN: 1390-5546 / e-ISSN: 2361-2557
ne of the biggest challenges that teachers have is to work
with students that are not critical thinkers. Whether teaching
content or a new language, teachers generally encounter
situations where such processes are not as meaningful as they
should, due to the lack of the stimulus to think or act critically,
as expressed by Fiallos (2017). This situation characterizes
lessons in primary schools, high schools and universities.
Students struggle when they do research, ask questions and
make decisions autonomously. Learners are used to receiving
information from the teacher considering it as the absolute
truth. Their role in the classroom is reduced to being information
receivers, which is not acceptable.
Active involvement leads students to produce high quality
thinking and enables them to assess their knowledge as well.
Undoubtedly, competent students in a global society are proficient
communicators, creators, critical thinkers, and collaborators: the
Four Cs (Roekel, 2011, p.7). In this regard, Spahiu and Spahiu
(2013) stated the relevance of the role of the teacher to achieve
satisfactory results in the teaching and learning process. In other
words, teachers are required to reflect on how to foster critical
thinking in their classroom because of the fact that critical
thinking skills, just as any other skills, are to be developed or
modified in the classroom.
In various teaching scenarios the analysis, synthesis or
evaluation of information on the part of students is minimum.
Moreover, educators are required to place value on opportunities
to generate environments where learners participate in activities
which promote higher order thinking. Another key to remember
is the necessity to consider the teachers’ own critical thinking
skills. Choy and Oo (2012) corroborate that teachers are
not critically reflective. In fact, teachers are more focused on
how they are assessed by their students and superiors, which
undoubtedly affects teaching.
The information taken into account for this literature review was
previously analyzed in terms of relevance, date of publication
and impact. This study exposes the elements for a lesson plan to
develop critical thinking, starting by establishing the importance
of writing a well-structured objective that is essential to reveal
what is expected to be achieved with the students at the end
of the lesson. Broadbear (2012) has documented the necessity
to contemplate elements such as Bloom’s taxonomy, intellectual
traits, intellectual standards and CT strategies to write a proper
objective for a critical thinking lesson.
Aside from a well-structured lesson plan, assessment is an
essential element that aims to foster an effective teaching-
learning process. This literature review promotes the improvement
of learning outcomes by making the relationship between
critical thinking and real assessment noticeable. Moreover,
there is evidence that suggests that if critical thinking skills, the
capability of analyzing, synthetizing and evaluating information
are considered, real learning occurs. Likewise, it is important
to remember that real learning involves raising vital questions,
formulating problems, gathering and assessing information,
adopting a point of view and communicating effectively, among
other implications found in critical thinking assessment (Paul &
Elder, 2016, p.3).
n this section, the principal concepts of critical thinking which
have propelled to the forefront in investigations on how to
improve learning process and students´ learning outcomes are
examined as a combination of well written objectives, standards,
strategies and assessment that provide the proper groundwork
to plan lessons on. This paper conveys information from different
authors who recognize the relevance of planning a lesson for
critical thinking.
Critical thinking
here are multiple concepts and interpretations regarding the
topic. However, remarkably numerous authors highlight the
correlation between higher order thinking skills such as analysis,
evaluation and critical thinking. Undeniably, a critical thinker is a
person who raises questions and solves problems; gathers and
assesses important information from the immediate context to
improve processes and reaches higher levels of thinking. In this
regard, Elder (2007), as cited in Vdovina and Cardozo (2013)
Critical thinking is a self-guided, self-disciplined thinking
which attempts to reason at the highest level of quality in
a fair-minded way. People, who think critically, consistently
attempt to live rationally, reasonably and emphatically.
They are aware of the inherently flawed nature of human
thinking when left unchecked (p. 55-56).
Planning lessons for critical thinking:
a way to improve learning outcomes in the english as a foreign language classroom
Investigación y Desarrollo • Volumen 11 • 2016 • Diciembre • Nº 1 • ISSN: 1390-5546 / e-ISSN: 2361-2557Investigación y Desarrollo • Volumen 11 • 2016 • Diciembre • Nº 1 • ISSN: 1390-5546 / e-ISSN: 2361-2557
Similarly, McPeck (2016) describes critical thinking as a quality
of human beings which involves the skills and abilities that are
necessary for engaging learners in activities. These activities are
always done in relation to subject areas, they never happen in
isolation. Consequently, it is vital that teachers include techniques
and strategies that help learners develop higher order thinking
and critical thinking which are seen as a form of problem solving
(Chinedu, Kamin, & Olabiyi, 2015).
The cognitive level normally developed in Ecuadorian teaching
scenarios is ineffective. In fact, high levels of comprehension are
not emphasized in the learning process. Learners are involved
in activities that require memorizing information or answering
questions of lower-level thinking. Findings evidence that this
matter seems to be a worldwide problem (Freahat & Smadi, 2014
p. 1806). Bloom (1956), cited by the same authors, asserts that
teachers focus more on making students remember, understand
and apply. These skills keep learners in the fundamental stages
of critical thinking. Students, on the other hand, need to go
through processes that require analyzing, synthesizing and
evaluating. These cognitive skills or strategies are the core
elements to designing a lesson plan if critical thinking is the aim
of the learning process. Halpern (2007) as cited in Kadel (2014)
Critical thinking is the use of those cognitive skills or
strategies that increase the probability of a desirable
outcome. It is used to describe thinking that is purposeful,
reasoned and goal-directed – the kind of thinking involved
in solving problems, formulating inferences, calculating
likelihood, and making decisions, when the thinker is using
skills that are thoughtful and effective for the particular
context and type of thinking task (p. 58).
Based on this definition, the role of the teacher in a lesson
for critical thinking is of a facilitator, which consists of leading
students to the discovery of knowledge. Therefore, the tasks
are meaningful and elicit active participation from the learners.
Moreover, it has been proved that higher order thinking skills need
to be developed on the foundations of solid lower order thinking
skills. An individual reaches the levels of evaluation and creation,
once the cognitive processes of knowledge, comprehension and
application have been successfully expanded (Kadel, 2014).
Lesson planning for critical thinking
stablishing the differences between a traditional lesson
and a critical thinking lesson is essential. Students have
the teacher´s guidance all the time and follow instructions in a
traditional lesson. Expressing ideas, thoughts or feelings has not
been an option for students (Spahiu & Spahiu, 2013). A lesson
plan with a critical thinking focus expects students to make
judgments about what they learn, based on either internal or
external criteria (Lord & Baviskar, 2007). Lesson plans for critical
thinking are typified by a wide variety of topics, areas of study
and activities which include creative thinking, well-reasoned
responses and the argumentation of all the ideas presented
during interaction (Lara, 2007).
One of the responsibilities teachers have in educational institutions
is lesson planning. Duncan and Met (2010) manifested that
lesson planning helps to ensure that classroom instruction aligns
with the curriculum goals and objectives. For this reason, the
teacher´s awareness of the general and specific objectives of the
curriculum is mandatory to select the techniques and strategies
for critical thinking. For these reasons, a lesson plan for critical
thinking is required to contemplate various components that
are systematically combined to drive learners from lower level
thinking to a higher level thinking (Hughes, 2014). These elements
are Bloom´s taxonomy, intellectual standards, intellectual traits,
critical thinking techniques and strategies as well as a good
assessment to measure the learning outcomes.
Bloom’s taxonomy
ritical thinking is closely linked to higher order thinking.
Therefore, levels of cognition are to be distinguished.
Munzenmaier and Rubin (2013) state that the aim of Bejamin
Bloom´s taxonomy was to find a common language that experts
in education could use to write and measure educational
objectives. This taxonomy organizes educational goals into a
hierarchy whose four principles show emphasis on the cognitive
process along with psychological, behavioral and procedural
processes. The principles that guide the development of this
model contemplate categories which entail student behaviors,
logical relationships, understanding of psychological processes
and the description of value judgments (p.3).
According to Krathwohl (2002) these categories have a
connection to the multi-level model which shows the classification
of thinking in six cognitive levels of complexity ordered from
concrete to abstract levels. In this respect, Forehand (2005)
manifested that in the model, the lower order thinking levels
include: knowledge, comprehension and application. Higher
order thinking involves analysis, synthesis and evaluation. This
taxonomy is an enormous contribution to education because it
guides teachers in lesson planning. In other words, teachers who
aim at reaching the highest level of thinking from the students
should include techniques that make learners solve problems,
use creativity and evaluate processes.
Wilma Guadalupe Villacís-Villacís; Cynthia Soledad Hidalgo-Camacho
Investigación y Desarrollo • Volumen 11 • 2016 • Diciembre • Nº 1 • ISSN: 1390-5546 / e-ISSN: 2361-2557Investigación y Desarrollo • Volumen 11 • 2016 • Diciembre • Nº 1 • ISSN: 1390-5546 / e-ISSN: 2361-2557
On this subject, Munzenmaier and Rubin (2013) illustrate the
three domains of Bloom´s taxonomy and give a brief overview
of the cognitive domain which is knowledge-based; affective
domain which is based on attitude and the psychomotor domain
that is physical skills-based. These domains are essential when
educators design their lessons where it is required to contemplate
criteria such as contents, the affective and psychomotor fields to
get a holistic educational approach.
Table 1. Three domains of Bloom´s taxonomy
Source: based on Munzenmaier and Rubin (2013, p. 5)
A lesson with a critical thinking objective
nce the topic has been chosen, the next step to plan a lesson
for critical thinking is to write the learning objective. This
component is of paramount importance because it communicates
what the teacher expects from learners. Additionally, objectives
must be specific, outcome-based and measurable. Heinich,
Molenda, Russell and Smaldino (2001), as cited in TEAL Staff
(2010, p. 3) consider the ABCD as a proper model to write
objectives. This model aligns well to the characteristics of a
plan for critical thinking, as well as to Bloom´s taxonomy. An
ABCD objective has 4 different components: Audience, Behavior,
Condition, and Degree.
According to Vdovina and Cardozo (2013), the ABCD Model
provides a good framework, since it contains indispensable
elements to design a lesson. A good number of teachers consider
that cognition is the only area they have to develop; nevertheless,
there are other areas such as emotions and attitudes in learning
that are to be emphasized. The parts of an ABCD objective are:
Audience that describes who the user of the instruction is.
Behavior that is observed and measured, which is the
knowledge or skill demonstrated in any of the domains of
learning: interpersonal, affective, cognitive or psychomotor.
Condition that refers to the tools used in the completion of
the proposed task.
Degree that sets the standard for acceptable performance,
which can be related to quality, time and accuracy, among
An example is provided to illustrate the elements:
Table 2. Example of the elements found in the objective
Source: adapted from Ferguson (1998 p. 88)
Additionally, Van Melle & Pinchin (2008) indicated that a learning
objective is a statement that describes what the learner is able
to do upon the completion of a learning experience. Therefore,
writing an effective objective is essential. Likewise, Ferguson
(1998) mentioned that “objectives are statements of desired,
observable, teachable, learnable behaviours that are evidence
of learning” (p.87). These objective characteristics contribute to
the design of better lesson plans, selection of materials and good
assessments to measure learning outcomes.
Planning lessons for critical thinking:
a way to improve learning outcomes in the english as a foreign language classroom
Investigación y Desarrollo • Volumen 11 • 2016 • Diciembre • Nº 1 • ISSN: 1390-5546 / e-ISSN: 2361-2557Investigación y Desarrollo • Volumen 11 • 2016 • Diciembre • Nº 1 • ISSN: 1390-5546 / e-ISSN: 2361-2557
Subsequently, the objective is properly written and shared with
the students. Thus, they know what it is expected from them. A
learning objective for a lesson based on higher order thinking
skills is characterized by analysis, synthesis and evaluation of
information according to Bloom’s taxonomy, the classification of
levels of behavior in learning (Yang, 2009). This classification
guides teachers through the designing of tasks, for instance:
discussing theoretical situations, predicting and drawing
conclusions based on information given, assessing value and
ideas, as well as making choices to justify answers.
The components of thinking: intellectual stan-
dards and traits
n connection with this point, Scriven and Paul (1987), as cited in
Xu (2011, p. 136), provided the most relevant characteristics of
critical thinking and intellectual standards. They described critical
thinking as the intellectual process of actively conceptualizing,
applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information
gathered from, or generated by observation, experience,
reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and
As stated by Paul, Scriven and Michael (1987), the elements of
thought have a close relationship with the intellectual standards.
In fact, the standards must be applied to the elements of thought
while the development of intellectual traits are learned, as it is
illustrated in figure 1. Within the elements of thought we have
purpose, questions, points of view, information, inferences,
concepts, implications and assumptions. Learners who use
critical thinking while completing their assignments demonstrate
that they understand the purpose of it and are able to find what
the issue or problem in a given situation is. Once the problem is
found, critical thinkers appreciate the depth and the breadth of
the problem and show to be fair-minded about it. These types of
learners can identify relevant points of view and show empathy
either providing information that opposes or information that
supports those points of view.
Figure 1. Standards, Elements of reasoning and Intellectual Traits
Source: developed by the author based on Paul and Elder (2006, p. 21)
In this respect, Snyder and Snyder (2008) noted that “merely
having knowledge or information is not enough. To be effective in
the workplace (and in their personal lives), students must be able
to solve problems to make effective decisions; they must be able
to think critically” (p. 90). Solving a problem is the onset of critical
thinking skills. In this regard, Boettcher (2010) acknowledged the
idea of the development of thinking through reasoning practice for
the learner similar to solving problems or puzzles.
Human beings are involved in activities related to family or
friends, education or personal reflection. Intellectual standards
are necessary for cultivating the intellect and living a rational life.
Therefore, teachers are responsible for cultivating the intellect
in students with the development of activities and tasks that
provoke higher order thinking in learners through the art of
asking questions (Paul & Elder, 2013).
Intellectual Standards
egarding intellectual standards, Michael (2012) postulates
that critical thinking involves not only analyzing and
identifying arguments; but discovering and overcoming
prejudices and biases, developing reasons and arguments in
favor of what is believed, considering objections and making
rational choices. Similarly, Paul and Elder (2010) contemplate
at least nine essential intellectual standards which are essential
to promote reasoning in everyday situations. In order to interpret
how intellectual standards are involved in critical thinking, varied
questions are formulated to guide students in the solution of
problems, as demonstrated in table 3:
Wilma Guadalupe Villacís-Villacís; Cynthia Soledad Hidalgo-Camacho
Investigación y Desarrollo • Volumen 11 • 2016 • Diciembre • Nº 1 • ISSN: 1390-5546 / e-ISSN: 2361-2557Investigación y Desarrollo • Volumen 11 • 2016 • Diciembre • Nº 1 • ISSN: 1390-5546 / e-ISSN: 2361-2557
Table 3. questions that lead to problem solving
Source: Based on Paul and Elder (2006, p. 14)
In addition to that, Vincent and Rudinow (1990) support that
individuals who are critical thinkers do not have the right to
embarrass or humiliate others or to impose their ideas. Instead,
critical thinking aims to provide people with practices that
contribute to the society and education with the improvement
of knowledge. Moreover, critical thinkers autonomously apply
intellectual standards to their elements of reasoning to develop
intellectual traits (Bailin, Case, & Daniels, 1999).
Intellectual traits
enerally, intellectual performance is associated to the
improvement of abilities; however, intellectual works are
closely linked to dispositions of the individual, which are stable
traits that guide people´s performance (Perkins, Tishman,
Ritchhart, Donis & Andrade, 2000). This is replicated by
Holyoak and Morrison (2005) in their review that showed that
effective teaching demands judgement and decision making
from fair-minded people. These standpoints assuredly recognize
the relevance of the qualities of mind and character that a critical
thinker posseses.
In this regard, intellectual traits or the traits of mind and character
are important features that allow proper decision making;
therefore, they develop ethical performance. Those ethical
performers, who are considered critical thinkers, adequately
evaluate ideas and beliefs to cultivate a fair mind. Conjointly, they
are disciplined and self-directed and effective communicators.
All these characteristics are part of the model of critical thinking
which involves elements that are interdependent (Paul & Elder,
2013). In other words, the application of the standards of
thinking to the elements of thinking results in the development
of important intellectual traits that are shown in table 4.
Table 4. Intellectual traits and their purposes
Intellectual integrity
Intellectual fairmindedness
Intellectual courage
Confidence in reasoning
Intellectual perseverance
Intellectual humility
Intellectual autonomy
Intellectual empathy
to hold oneself to the same standards of behavior to which
others are held
to have an unbiased point of view
to questions beliefs in face of new information or evidence
to rely on critical thinking and trust results
to continue to struggle with confusion, frustration or
uncertainty to gain understanding
to know the limits of one´s knowledge
to think independently through questions and problems
to consider others´ points of view
Intellectual Trait
Source: based on Paul and Elder (2006, p. 15)
Techniques and strategies to Critical thinking
evising techniques and strategies to develop critical thinking
involves varied aspects; for instance: participation, interaction,
reflection, deep analysis and questioning of the information
studied (Brookfield, 2015). Those aspects contribute to foster
critical thinking as a result of the involvement of students in the
learning process, which encourages them to take responsibility
for their active engagement in the activities developed during
the lesson.
Planning lessons for critical thinking:
a way to improve learning outcomes in the english as a foreign language classroom
Investigación y Desarrollo • Volumen 11 • 2016 • Diciembre • Nº 1 • ISSN: 1390-5546 / e-ISSN: 2361-2557Investigación y Desarrollo • Volumen 11 • 2016 • Diciembre • Nº 1 • ISSN: 1390-5546 / e-ISSN: 2361-2557
The main technique that strengthens critical thinking is Socratic
questioning (Hong & Jacob, 2012). Likewise, Paul and Elder
(2006) indicate that it is unimaginable that someone who is a
critical thinker can lack the disposition to ask questions in depth.
Moreover, the authors state that the theory behind Socratic
questioning is relevant if it provokes in learners the desire to
ask questions systematically and deeply. In summary, Socratic
questioning is a discussion in which a person inquires in a
disciplined way; while a leader manages the discussion where
all the people who are involved in the conversation participate.
Thought is stimulated by questioning, as long as that process
causes the analysis and quality of information (Elder & Paul,
1998). The main characteristic of the Socratic questioning
technique is guiding students through the discovery of knowledge
(Delic & Becirovic, 2016).
Another technique that applies Socratic questioning is the
debate, which is an activity where learners ask questions that go
beyond the explicit information. Aspects such as clarity, accuracy,
precision, relevance, depth, breadth, logic, significance and
fairness are inquired. According to Tawil (2016), “debating fosters
open-mindedness, inquisitiveness, analyticity, systematicity and
confidence of reasoning” (p. 25). This technique leads learners to
reach an increased level of positive perception and self-efficacy.
Using techniques and strategies that effectively move learners
towards critical thinking is a responsibility of all educators. A
common problem in the classroom is the approach used by
the teacher. Lessons are characterized by the lecture format.
A considerable part of the reasoning, questioning and thinking
are done by the instructor, instead of being done by the learners.
Consequently, the lecture format is not an effective method,
provided that critical thinking is to be developed in the classroom.
Duron, Limbach and Waugh (2006) indicate that active learning
makes the course worthwhile for both: teachers and students. In
an active learning environment, learners think critically because
they are the ones who process the information in the way they
prefer. They are capable of reflecting on their own learning and
comparing their understanding with what their classmates are
The aforementioned techniques refer to what is explained
in Bloom´s taxonomy, which classifies activities according to
their level of difficulty and categorizes the cognitive processes
in humans (Bloom, 1956). For instance, remembering,
understanding and applying belong to low level thinking skills
and consequently these processes require less thinking (Freahat
& Smadi, 2014). On the other hand, analyzing, evaluating
and creating demand high levels of thinking. This taxonomy
substantiates the outbreak of the theory of critical thinking. To
make a relevant contribution to students, teachers have the
responsibility to give learners plenty of opportunities to engage
in higher order thinking. These higher order thinking processes
instigate critical thinking (Duron, Limbach, & Waugh, 2006).
Assessment in a CT lesson plan
very thinking process is made of the elements that constructed
it. Paul and Gerald (1991) define the elements of thought
as building blocks of thinking that shape reasoning. According
to the authors, human beings reason to achieve something or
satisfy a desire. Therefore, when there is a cognitive process a
question or a problem is solved. For this reason, not only one
skill is evaluated while critical thinking is assessed; but a number
of skills resulting from the articulation of all the elements of
thought. These elements allow learners to distinguish types of
information, identify evidence and speculations, recognize main
concepts, see relationships between situations and topics and
find implications and consequences.
Decisions on how to assess learning are suggested to be made
before the selection of strategies and techniques for critical
thinking. In the same way, what evidences meet the expected
learning objective are also to be identified (Edmonds, Hull, Janik,
& Rylance, 2005). Depending on the objective, formative or
summative assessments are selected. In fact, assessment tools
and assessment criteria are determined once the other elements
of a lesson plan for critical thinking have been incorporated.
In fact, Beaumont (2010) emphasizes the importance of the
involvement of students in the decision of what assessment
techniques are to be used. Furthermore, assignments and
tasks meet four criteria: meaningfulness and attempt to be
related to solid and important concepts; proper use of cognitive
skills; intellectual standards and questions that are reasoned
judgmentally and supported with evidence of what has been
done, as the result of the learning process.
Similarly, Weimer (2013) strengthens the position that when
teachers assess learning outcomes associated with critical
thinking, it is necessary to highlight the critical thinking principles.
This means that assessing critical thinkers involves awareness
of different processes. Furthermore, critical thinking skills
relate to other vital student learning outcomes: metacognition,
collaboration, and creativity; in other words, it further promotes
higher order thinking skills (Kadel, 2014).
Wilma Guadalupe Villacís-Villacís; Cynthia Soledad Hidalgo-Camacho
Investigación y Desarrollo • Volumen 11 • 2016 • Diciembre • Nº 1 • ISSN: 1390-5546 / e-ISSN: 2361-2557Investigación y Desarrollo • Volumen 11 • 2016 • Diciembre • Nº 1 • ISSN: 1390-5546 / e-ISSN: 2361-2557
ostering Critical thinking in a classroom is possible when
the lesson plan entails essential elements such as: Bloom´s
taxonomy, intellectual standards, intellectual traits, critical
thinking techniques and strategies, as well as a good assessment
to measure the learning outcomes. In the same sense, writing
effective learning objectives is of paramount importance
within this design. Shirkhani and Fahim (2011) conclude that
teachers achieve learning objectives through the realization of
tasks and the usage of suitable assessment practices that are
interconnected. In fact, Ferguson (1998) notes that educators
who develop skill in formulating adequate learning objectives
experience satisfaction with learning situations and the obtained
learning outcomes.
The enhancement of critical thinking in an EFL classroom is the
predominant purpose for language teachers. This improvement
is feasible when there is involvement of learners in research and
the application of knowledge. One important consideration is that
learners are the discoverers of information, rather than passive
receptors (Snyder & Snyder, 2008, p. 97). The achievement of
critical thinking skills is possible when teachers acknowledge
all the elements involved in the process and incorporate them
in a lesson plan on a daily basis. A formative process not only
includes cognitive processes but affective and psychomotor
domains. Therefore, effective assessment results in a more
challenging practice, however, more fruitful. Provided that all these
considerations are made, the EFL teaching-learning process is
strengthened, and consequently meaningful to learners.
Bailin, S., Case, R. & Daniels, L. (1999) Conceptualizing Critical Thinking. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 285-302.
Beaumont, J. (2010) A sequence of Critical Thinking Tasks. TESOL Journal, 1-20.
Bloom, B. (1956) Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, Handbook 1: Cognitive Domain. Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.
Boettcher, J. (2010, July) Designing for learning. Retrieved from http://www.designingforlearning.info/services/writing/ecoach/tips/tip67.htm
Broadbear, J. (2012) Essential elements of lessons designed to promote critical thinking. Journal of the scholarship of teaching and learning, 1-8.
Brookfield, S. (2015) The skillful Teacher: On technique, trust and responsiveness in the classroom. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
Chinedu, C., Kamin, Y. & Olabiyi, O. (2015) Strategies for Improving Higher Order Thinking Skills in Teaching and Learning of Design and Technology Education.
Journal of Technical Education and Training, Vol.7, 35-43.
Choy, S. C. & Oo, P. (2012) Reflective Thinking and Teaching Practices: A precursor for incorporating critical thinking into the classroom? International Journal of
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Delic, H. & Becirovic, S. (2016) Socratic Method as an approahc to teaching. European Researcher, Vol 111, 511-517.
Duncan, G. & Met, M. (2010) Startalk: From paper to practice. Maryland: National Foreign Language Center at the University of Maryland.
Duron, R., Limbach, B. & Waugh, W. (2006) Critical Thinking Framework for Any Discipline. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education,
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