Martha Lara-Freire; Gloria Escudero-Orozco
Investigación y Desarrollo • Volumen 11 • 2016 • Diciembre • Nº 1 • ISSN: 1390-5546 / e-ISSN: 2361-2557
Martha Lara-Freire / Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo / mlaraf@espoch.edu.ec
Gloria Escudero-Orozco / Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo / iescudero@unach.edu.ec
his research analyzes the impact of the implementation of the flipped classroom to improve the low development of cognitive skills in the stu-
dents and to promote the autonomous learning in 30 English as a Foreign Language (EFL) students Level Four in the English Center at Escuela
Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo through grammar video lessons. The proposal consisted of eight grammar video lessons based on the syllabus
designed for this level. These videos became both: a valuable tool to foster independent learning and a strategy to flip the traditional classroom,
which allowed additional time to work on practical activities in the classroom, considering that the theory was studied outside the classroom. The
instruments applied in this research project are as initial survey, a satisfaction survey, a pre-test, and a post-test. The initial survey and the pre-test
determined the necessity students had to consolidate their knowledge regarding grammar and apply those contents in a real life context. The post-
test results revealed that there was a meaningful improvement in the level of grammar knowledge, which is demonstrated in the results analysis
and interpretation. Once the study ended, the students concluded that the grammar video lessons are effective and useful to achieve independence
in learning the English grammar rules. Students who were part of the intervention reached a level of autonomous learning which influenced mark-
edly in the students grades as showed in the interpretation and analysis of the results. Additionally, students felt motivated because they had less
“homework.” Thus, it is concluded that the grammar video lessons foster independent learning.
Key words:
independent learning, grammar video lessons, flipped classroom.
ste trabajo de investigación analiza el impacto de la implementación de la clase invertida en el aula de Inglés para mejorar el bajo desarrollo
de las habilidades cognitivas de los estudiantes y promover el aprendizaje autónomo en 30 estudiantes de inglés como Idioma Extranjero,
perteneciente al Cuarto Nivel del Centro de Idiomas de la Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo aplicando videos de gramática. La propuesta
consistió en ocho lecciones de gramática, basadas en el sílabo establecido para éste nivel, estos videos consistieron una valiosa herramienta
para fomentar el aprendizaje autónomo y una estrategia para cambiar el aula tradicional, dedicando más tiempo de la clase a la ejecución de
actividades prácticas, puesto que la teoría gramatical se trasladó fuera del aula. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron: encuesta inicial, encuesta de
satisfacción, pre-test y post-test. La encuesta inicial y el pre-test mostraron la necesidad de los estudiantes por consolidar sus conocimientos
de gramática y tener la habilidad de aplicarlos en situaciones de la vida real. Los resultados del post-test revelaron una mejora significativa en el
nivel de conocimientos gramaticales lo que se comprobó en el análisis e interpretación de resultados. Al finalizar la investigación los estudiantes
concluyeron que las lecciones de gramática en video fueron efectivas y útiles para lograr independencia en el aprendizaje de reglas gramaticales
del idioma Inglés. Adicionalmente los estudiantes se sintieron motivados puesto que los “deberes” disminuyeron. Se concluye por tanto que el uso
de lecciones gramaticales en video promueve el aprendizaje autónomo.
Palabras clave:
aprendizaje autónomo, lecciones de gramática en video, clase invertida.
Investigación y Desarrollo • Revista de Divulgación Científica y Cultural • Volumen 11
Diciembre 2016 • PP 40 - 48 • Dirección de Investigación y Desarrollo • U.T.A. • Ambato - Ecuador
ISSN: 1390 - 5546 / e-ISSN: 2361-2557
Grammar video lessons to foster independent learners
in the english as a foreign language classroom
Investigación y Desarrollo • Volumen 11 • 2016 • Diciembre • Nº 1 • ISSN: 1390-5546 / e-ISSN: 2361-2557
izar (2015) states that students appreciate being given
educational capsules in a similar way to eating fast food.
Based on this statement, this paper analyzes the facts that made
the researchers propose this investigation on video grammar
lessons to foster independent learners. Additionally, it describes
the theories that scientifically support the proposal and discusses
the results from an objective and real point of view comparing
them with results of other studies which apply the same variables.
Furthermore, this presentation creates awareness about the
need students have to become independent learners (Zhen,
2014), as well as the urgency of teachers’ commitment to push
students toward that independence (Hammond, 2015). Finally,
the research question seeks to know whether the implementation
of the flipped classroom model through grammar video lessons
as homework train independent learners.
This study acquired a high level of importance due to the
problems to be solved and the results that can be generalized and
used by other professors in any other educational background.
During the research students’ insufficient development of
cognitive independent skills affecting their learning is identified.
Furthermore, the major problems at the beginning of the
semester are to students{ lacked engagement with the learning-
teaching process. It is difficult for them to acquire the ability
to create their own knowledge and critical thinking. Additionally,
a considerable amount of students in the intervention showed
insufficient autonomous learning and they had difficulties to
identify the role of the teacher as a facilitator of the knowledge
(Ellis, 2004).
According to the researchers and other faculty’s point of view,
even teachers struggle with their responsibility in giving students
the necessary tools to become active participants in the learning
process (Murphy, 2016). The fact that classroom climate affects
the student’ ability to learn independently was additionally
considered (Alpha Omega Academy, 2012). Therefore, proving
the hypothesis, which facilitated understanding a solution to this
problem, implied to seek deeper on student’s perceptions of how
knowledge is acquired, the roles they are willing to take in order
to satisfy their needs and what the results from the intervention
they are able to apply along their learning process.
Additionally, it was observed that the majority of students were
visual learners, this fact is supported by a research from the
group of StudyMode in which they proved that approximately
65% of the population are visual learners (Kydiam, 2018).
Besides, it is important to mention that, nowadays, young people
prefer technology to printed material, as shown in the study by
Solano, Cabrera, Ulehlova, Espinoza (2017) in which 89% of
the participants agreed that technology is effective to improve
English language knowledge. Therefore, the general objective of
this study was to create video lessons of the grammar contents
studied in English Level 4 at Escuela Superior Politécnica de
Chimborazo as instruments for fostering independent learning.
The specific objectives were to use the video grammar lessons
to diminish the in-class theory time. This would create a way to
take that acquired knowledge into practice and to give students
the opportunity to learn grammar in a non-traditional way by
combining virtual education with face-to-face activities while
motivating self-study. The achievement of these objectives
helped to reach a better comprehension of the generalizations
discussed in this article.
The first variable is the so-called independent variable, which
deals with video grammar lessons with focus on the flipped
classroom model. The second variable, known as dependent
variable has to do with independence, specifically to develop the
necessary cognitive skills required for independent learning. The
first variable was additionally used in the study by Ílin (2013), An
Action Research: Using Videos for Teaching Grammar in an ESP
Class presented by in which it is shown that 80% of students
nowadays prefer learning grammar using videos.
Flipped classroom was developed in 2007, the founders are
Jonathan Bergman and Aaron Sams, both science teachers. They
were not taking full advantage of the face-to-face time with their
students and realized that when they sent homework they were
not physically there to guide their students. All those situations
contributed to the Flipped Classroom model creation. The concept
of flipped class is this: which was traditionally done in class is now
done at home, and which was traditionally done as homework is
now completed in class (Sams & Bergmann, 2012: 145).
Furthermore, the founders of this model started to record the
theory or lecture on videos and podcasts for their students to
have the opportunity to watch them as many times as they
needed, at their own pace, and in the comfort of their homes.
Moreover, several studies dealing with the same variables refer
to technology as the main tool to work with the flipping approach
(Han, 2015; Chen Hsieh, 2016). One of these showed the
results that students outperformed the pre-test with a mean of
93 compared to 73.
The grammar video lessons, which are the recorded materials
carried out by the class tutor with content based on the syllabus
and on student’s needs, have to be designed with specific
Martha Lara-Freire; Gloria Escudero-Orozco
Investigación y Desarrollo • Volumen 11 • 2016 • Diciembre • Nº 1 • ISSN: 1390-5546 / e-ISSN: 2361-2557
features such as an adequate length. It is essential to have the
singularity to catch student’s attention, in order to get them
involved in the teaching-learning process. Due to this fact, the
teacher became easily reachable. Students were able to turn on,
mute, rewind or repeat the class at will (Young, 2017). Seeing a
video of the content class has the same impact as the teaching
of one on one. This is something that it is challenging to achieve
in a public school setting.
Authors refer to independent learners as a student with the ability
to take charge of one’s learning (Carl, 2016). This is necessary
to comprehend that circumstances and learning style play a
crucial role, as age and maturity do (Alpha Omega Academy,
2012). When a student becomes an independent learner, he or
she exhibits features such as curiosity, persistence, autonomous
comprehension, critical thinking, accountability, self-examination,
self-motivation and are capable to choose their own study
strategies. This is remarkable because it’s difficult for teachers
to design tasks specifically directed to one or another. The tasks
done at home have to match the level of proficiency with focus
on production (Harvey & Ckie-Wolfe, 2007). Lastly, providing
effective feedback contributes positively to this independence.
Additionally, it is necessary to highlight some results from other
researchers. For instance, Han (2015) points out that autonomy
was gained once the teacher created more opportunities for
meaning-focused output. This was clearly identified when
students submitted more work than the teacher expected.
Furthermore, when the tutor planned for them to look for
resources that possibly facilitate them learn independently they
enthusiastically look for learning activities that worked for them
and were valid to share with others. The second study developed
by Hsieh, Wu, & Marek (2016) remarks that doing autonomous
activities, student’s motivation and active participation notably
increased and additionally, their knowledge of the content
managed in class significantly improved. Finally, the study by
Sung (2015) suggests that it is necessary to make students
realize that they are able to learn by themselves, becoming
active participants in the class.
The context in which the research was applied, the findings on
students’ survey and tests from this study show a tool which takes
EFL students and teachers to the next level. This is conducted by
switching from traditional to flipped classroom. These showed
that students who participated in the intervention evidenced a
significant improvement in their grammar knowledge as detailed
in the pre-test and post-test results.
According to Boulhuis and Voeten (2001), cited by Meyer,
promoting independent learning requires a new role for teachers,
a flip from traditional transmission of information to a process-
oriented teaching, which ensures that students are actively
involved in the learning process (Meyer, 2010). It is crucial to
identify how everything fits, equally considering the teacher’s
and the students’ role changes. The dependent learner is a
passive recipient of knowledge, who accepts the teacher as the
expert in the learning process; whereas the independent learner
is active in directing and regulating his or her own learning and
becomes the expert. Furthermore, the ability to blend processed
information and processing information without teacher
intervention sets the independent apart from the dependent
learner (Meyer, 2010).
he background of this proposal draws on EFL students
enrolled in Level Fourth at a public undergraduate school.
The equivalence of this level is A2 of the Common European
Framework of Reference for Languages. Students come 4 hours
weekly to class and taking the English program is a mandatory
requirement for them to graduate. Before graduating, students
are supposed to reach B1 level. The sample was of thirty
students; in this group, 50% of students were male and 50%
female. They had different cultural backgrounds and different
levels of knowledge. A considerable amount of students had
issues in studying English continuously and for the majority of
them the proposed method was unfamiliar. However, they agreed
on the importance of using technology in the classroom and the
necessity of becoming independent, active learners. Due to
these facts, the following research question was formulated: to
what extend does the use of grammar video lessons recorded
by the researcher foster independent learning? It is necessary
to emphasize that the course content was designed with a
grammar-based syllabus (Nunan, 2002) and the tutor had to
create her own material and implement her own methodology.
Furthermore, a previous-research stage was planned to identify
the problem. Once this problem was identified, a problem-tree
was structured in order to establish the cause and effect, as
well as the possible solution for it (Barreto, 2018). Moreover,
it is essential to remark that the research design was quasi-
experimental because the study was empirical and aimed to
analyze the impact of the intervention on the target group. The
experimental and control were chosen and the research was
developed in natural educational scenarios.
Grammar video lessons to foster independent learners
in the english as a foreign language classroom
Investigación y Desarrollo • Volumen 11 • 2016 • Diciembre • Nº 1 • ISSN: 1390-5546 / e-ISSN: 2361-2557
In order to prevent bias, the control group, which was not
exposed to the intervention, belonged to a different teacher, not
the researcher; whereas, the experimental group was intervened
by the researcher. The experimental and control groups had 30
students from different cultural and educational background. For
that reason, an initial survey and a pre-test were applied at the
beginning of the intervention. It was clear that students had not
developed the necessary cognitive skills required for independent
learning; therefore, the researcher chose the flipped classroom
as the method to solve this problem.
This idea is definitely innovative, challenging, and motivating.
Therefore the researcher reordered eight grammar video lessons
for the English Fourth Students. The videos were based on the
grammar contents planned in the syllabus: Wishes in Present,
Past and Future; Zero Conditional, First Conditional, Second
Conditional, Third Conditional and Adjective clauses. The series
were divided into two categories: lecture and exercises. The
purpose was for students to understand the grammar rules first
by watching the grammar video lessons created by the teacher
and practice what they learnt in class with the teacher’s guidance
he initial survey determined that students were aware that
watching video lessons help them to learn English since 91%
of the surveyed answered yes. Therefore, it was essential that
students had the videos available all the time; for that reason,
first, the researcher opened an account on YouTube to upload the
videos. The videos were also included in the Virtual Classroom
students had for the English class.
Regarding the evaluation and monitoring, the teacher used the
WSQ chart, which students had to fill in and discuss with the
teacher and the class the next day. In this chart, students had to
write information about what they watched and include the name
of the video. Afterwards, students needed to Summarize the new
content they learned and finally, they wrote Questions they still
had about the topic. Once the teacher read the questions, 10
minutes from the class were given for feedback. At this time,
the teacher reinforced the information or knowledge students
already had and then started with the practice.
As the flipped class model was implemented, the main focus
was on practice: the researcher created worksheets to work
with the students in class. The emphasis was on letting students
take an active part in their learning and notice the necessity
to learn by themselves. Furthermore, the researcher used the
YouTube Teacher Channel and a Virtual Learning Environment
to have the videos available for students to watch at their own
pace. In addition, for recording the videos, the researcher had
the support of students and teachers of the Graphic Design
School, who allowed her to record in their studio; making an
enormous contribution to the video quality. Additionally, the
videos were recorded on a CD, in order to let students to use
them without Internet access. It is crucial to mention that 90% of
the sample had Internet access i.e. except for one student in the
experimental group who had to work offline.
Concerning the statistics, the T-test, known as student’s T-Test
was applied because it compares two averages and establishes
the difference from each other. Furthermore, it verifies the
significance of the differences to make sure that they are
accurate. This statistic was applied to the results of the pre-
test and post-test allowing them to be tabulated and analysed,
both were given online by using the Virtual Classroom created
for this purpose. The test had 31 questions, which focused
on the grammar contents assigned for Level Fourth: Wishes,
Conditionals, and Adjective Clauses. The results evidence a
noticeable difference between the control and the experimental
group, since the control group students only went from 1.48/10
to 2.68/10, whereas the experimental group students’ scores
were 1.00/10 to 7.00/10. Besides the inferential statistic,
the descriptive one was additionally considered to analyze the
results from the initial and satisfaction surveys taken by the
experimental and the control group students. In the satisfaction
survey, the students verified the efficiency of the grammar video
lessons’ use to learn grammar for 26.67% of the students they
were good and for the 56.67% were excellent.
Moreover, at the first stage of the research the problem was
identified by elaborating a problem tree, which showed three
relevant findings: low level of intrinsic motivation to learn English,
insufficient use of technology as part of the English classroom,
and the necessity to look for new methods or strategies to teach
grammar. In this stage, the researchers also took advantage
of the data gathered through observation and the notes in the
logbook. The next step was to apply the initial survey to have
a clearer idea of the chosen groups (experimental and control)
needs. Different interesting facts were found and they are
detailed in the charts below:
Martha Lara-Freire; Gloria Escudero-Orozco
Investigación y Desarrollo • Volumen 11 • 2016 • Diciembre • Nº 1 • ISSN: 1390-5546 / e-ISSN: 2361-2557
Yes No
Yes No
Figure 2: Percentage of students whose teachers have used
grammar video lessons at ESPOCH.
Yes No
Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
Figure 5: Percentage of students who think that one of the teacher’s goal
should be to foster independent learners.
In the initial survey, which students completed on-line (google
drive), the most relevant findings were the following: 57%
of students mentioned that they had not heard about flipped
classroom, 69% of students stated that their teachers had
not used video lessons to teach grammar, 91% of students
considered that grammar video lessons could be helpful to learn
grammar, 74% of students agreed that English classes are to
focus on production rather than content, and 71% of students
were aware of the importance to foster independence in the
learning process.
After applying the post-test, the pre-test and post-test results,
from experimental groups and control group were tabulated;
these results are detailed in the following table.
Source: Survey applied to students by the author.
Figure 4: Percentage of students who think that classes should be directed
to production more than to content.
Figure 1: Percentage of students who had heard about flipped classroom at
ESPOCH level four.
Source: Survey applied to students by the author.
Source: Survey applied to students by the author.
Source: Survey applied to students by the author.
Figure 3: Percentage of students who think video lessons could be helpful
to learn grammar at ESPOCH.
Source: Survey applied to students by the author.
Grammar video lessons to foster independent learners
in the english as a foreign language classroom
Investigación y Desarrollo • Volumen 11 • 2016 • Diciembre • Nº 1 • ISSN: 1390-5546 / e-ISSN: 2361-2557
The average for the control group in the pre-test was 1.48;
whereas, in the experimental group, it was 1.00. These results
suggested that the level of the experimental group was lower
than the control one. In the post-test the control group average
was 2.68 and the experimental group average was 7.00. These
results showed that the experimental group students’ knowledge
about grammar improved significantly. Finally, the results of
the satisfaction survey, which was applied at the end of the
intervention, were analyzed. This instrument results are detailed
Table 1: Pre-test and Post-test applied to students to identify
their grammar knowledge and progress.
Note: This table shows the average of grammar knowledge improvement.
Source: Results thesis “Flipped teaching implementation to improve students’ high order thinking skills”
Table 2: Level of satisfaction of using videos to learn grammar
Note: This table shows the students answers regarding the use of grammar video lessons.
Source: Satisfaction survey
The parameters considered for the survey were strongly disagree
(1), disagree (2), neither agree or disagree (3), agree (4), and
strongly agree (5). A number of students equivalent to 70% of
students agreed that using video lessons to introduce grammar
content was an effective technique, 46% of students strongly
agreed on the usefulness of video lessons to learn grammar, and
42% agreed as well. The majority of students considered that the
content of the videos was excellent, and the same percentage
agreed that the image and audio were also high quality, 88% of
students stated that video lessons were enough to understand
Martha Lara-Freire; Gloria Escudero-Orozco
Investigación y Desarrollo • Volumen 11 • 2016 • Diciembre • Nº 1 • ISSN: 1390-5546 / e-ISSN: 2361-2557
and apply the grammar content, 81% considered that the WSQ
chart was useful for understanding the grammar content in the
video lessons. Students who recommended the use of grammar
video lessons in the English classroom was 96%, and 88% of
them recognized the high contribution of the video lessons in
the development of activities in the class in an autonomous way.
Overall 85% of students felt satisfied with the grammar video
lessons used as a tool to develop independent learning cognitive
eachers are always innovating by finding new methods
and strategies to motivate students to learn English.
However, learners are not conscious of the need to speak a
foreign language. Numerous students take English classes as
a requirement to graduate from the different undergraduate
programs. In general, students consider English as one of the
most difficult subjects to study. For that reason, it is essential to
give them reasons to learn and master this language. Students
need to acknowledge the importance of English to study a
master’s degree, to be granted an international scholarship in
the most recognized universities around the world, read and
understand books, and the experience of interacting with English
speakers through social networks.
Various statements about the technology in the 21st century
have been made; however, it is possibly complicated to introduce
it in the classroom. Nevertheless, it is essential to remember
that technology transforms the classroom experience from a
classic teacher-centered into a student-centered experience
with students taking a more active role in their learning. Certain
constraints teachers face when inserting technology in the
classroom were limited to time, to experimentation, and inefficient
training for teachers. Despite the attraction technological
activities add to the lesson, planning the activities in the Virtual
Classroom require extra time. The teacher has to administrate
the classroom and choose the most effective activities to reach
the main goal, which is to motivate students to learn English.
While technology keeps evolving, English teachers have limited
possibilities to stay updated regarding the managing of new
technologies and the technical support they are able receive.
Since the main qualification of an English teacher is not mastering
the use of new technology, there are several possibilities to get
effective training in the area of recording videos and managing
Virtual Classrooms efficiently.
The first related study mentioned in the introduction of this paper
showed how students had to record their activities as homework
(Han, 2015). In contrast to this study which used grammar video
lessons that students had to watch. They are similar in terms
of measuring the effects of creating independence in learning,
which, in fact, was proved once student exhibited a high level
of independence by doing the task voluntarily and repeatedly
without any inhibition at the end of the interventions. The second
comparison is made between the article Using the flipped
classroom to enhance EFL learning and the present study, they
concentrated on improving independence to increase knowledge,
however the former one focused on motivation which in fact
proved to be a key point to create students’ autonomy.
Different studies have pointed out that the flipped classroom
model, which in fact, and based on evidence, is successful.
Nevertheless, it is reasonable to discuss some findings from
studies related to traditional classroom models (Kaye, 2008),
especially to those for which it is claimed the flipped classroom
is not able applicable. For instance, in the study Flipped in
communication: the author points out that students working
with flipped classrooms do not create opportunities to engage
in real communication, which sometimes is not accurate (Olsen,
2018). In fact, this study contradicts this view because the
flipped classroom has to do with blended learning and since this
study concentrated on watching the theoretical part at home, the
real communication indeed happened in class. In addition, the
environment flowed smoothly creating natural interaction with
other learners.
Furthermore, Tarhini (2014), stated that another disadvantage of
the flipped classroom model possibly includes little or no in-person
contact with the faculty member. Conversely, during the project
intervention, the teacher was able to answer questions about
what problems students had in understanding and discussing
in class the student’s doubts, points of view and feedback from
students’ WSQ chart. This process facilitated the teacher to have
more control over the aims, the pace and the materials. Another
benefit of traditional classroom over the flipped classroom
method is that it provides students with a fixed schedule and
specific periods dedicated exclusively to learning (Paduraru,
2008). With flipped classrooms procrastination can become a
common attitude while traditional classrooms preserve a feeling
of real time (Paduraru, 2008). Finally, learning about technology
is conceivably a drawback for flipped classrooms teachers who
are less technologically literate and this class approach probably
becomes time consuming, adding more workload to teachers.
However, since teachers do not have to worry about other
problems such as mixed-abilities classrooms, late arrivals and
Grammar video lessons to foster independent learners
in the english as a foreign language classroom
Investigación y Desarrollo • Volumen 11 • 2016 • Diciembre • Nº 1 • ISSN: 1390-5546 / e-ISSN: 2361-2557
misbehavior as happens in on-site classrooms, the use of their
time in managing the technology is likely compensated. Finally,
every approach presents pros and cons, it is necessary for
teachers to analyze students’ performance and evaluate which
approach will suit the intervention.
fter developing the study and analyzing the research
question, the conclusions are the following: there was a need
to change the way the English classes were being developed
to emphasize autonomous learning with activities outside
the classroom. These activities did not necessarily have to be
homework. Various students agreed with this proposal and it was
proven that the use of grammar video lessons recorded by the
researcher fostered independent learning.
Taking the in-class theory out of the classroom by blending the
English learning brought effective and productive results in the
students’ performance. Therefore, the usage of grammar video
lessons and the flipped classroom model proved to be effective
in promoting autonomy in learners, according to what was
shown in the post-test results. Furthermore, that experimental
group outperformed the control group. Additionally, according
to the satisfaction survey, a considerable number of students
strongly agreed that the benefits of watching a video and using
the WSQ chart is more effective than the practice achieved while
they are in class. They explained that this procedure is quite
different from what it is done in the traditional classroom where
they listen to the teacher and rarely have the chance to practice
what they learn in a real environment.
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Investigación y Desarrollo • Volumen 11 • 2016 • Diciembre • Nº 1 • ISSN: 1390-5546 / e-ISSN: 2361-2557Investigación y Desarrollo • Volumen 11 • 2016 • Diciembre • Nº 1 • ISSN: 1390-5546 / e-ISSN: 2361-2557
Martha Lara-Freire; Gloria Escudero-Orozco
Investigación y Desarrollo • Volumen 11 • 2016 • Diciembre • Nº 1 • ISSN: 1390-5546 / e-ISSN: 2361-2557
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