Amaya A/ Enfermería INvestiga Vol. 9 No. 2 2024 (April - June)
Amaya Calore, Antonieta Isabel1,, Caldera Noto, Cindy Alejandra1, rquez Mata, Rosangel Carolina
7153, Hazel Barboza Zambrano2, y Hazel Anderson Vásquez2 Orcid:,
1School of Nutrition and Dietetics, Faculty of Medicine. University of Zulia, Venezuela
2Specialty in Clinical Nutrition, Division of Graduate Studies, Faculty of Medicine, University of Zulia, Venezuela.
2477-9172 / 2550-6692 All Rights Reserved © 2024 Technical University of Ambato, Nursing Career. This is an open access article distributed
under the terms of the Creative Commons License, which permits unlimited use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the
original work is properly cited.
Corresponding author: Dr. Hazel Anderson Vásquez.
Received: January 20, 2024
Accepted: March 10, 2024
Introduction: Abdominal obesity is associated with
metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease.
Breakfast has been associated with beneficial health
effects, such as lower body mass index and better
insulin sensitivity. Objective: Determine the impact of
breakfast consumption on abdominal obesity.
Methods: Descriptive, observational, cross-sectional,
non-experimental and correlational research, carried
out in 206 obese patients (95 men and 111 women)
with an average age of 48±12 years; who underwent
anthropometric evaluation (weight, height, BMI,
circumference/waist, circumference/hip, waist/height
index, waist/hip index); dietary evaluation (24-hour
history, breakfast quality index). The statistics were
Student's t, ANOVA, Chi square and Kruskal Wallis.
Results: The waist circumference of 170 subjects
(83%) presented abdominal obesity. Regarding the
foods consumed for breakfast, it was low in
vegetables and fruits. Regarding the quality of
breakfast: 60% consumed a breakfast of improvable
quality, 30% of good quality, 7% of poor quality and
3% of insufficient quality. Among the female sex,
breakfast of improvable quality predominated; while
the poor quality was observed in men and with
increasing age the quality decreased. All subjects
presented a high cardiovascular risk independent of
the quality of the breakfast consumed. No association
was found between breakfast consumption and
abdominal obesity. Conclusions: Patients have high
body fat reserves, the quality of breakfast without
quantitative control does not reduce the degree of
obesity or cardiovascular risk.
Keywords: obesity, abdominal obesity, breakfast,
nutritional evaluation
Obesity is a public health problem which is
progressively expanding in the world, which is why it
is considered one of the most critical medical
objectives since it is a factor that favors the
development of morbidity (1). Obesity can promote
the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus, hepatic
steatosis, cardiovascular diseases, stroke, high blood
pressure, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea and certain
types of cancer (endometrium, breast, ovary, prostate,
liver and colon). All of them can lead to a higher risk
of mortality (2).
It is considered a disease with multifactorial etiology
where genetics, age, sex, sedentary lifestyle, eating
behavior, drugs, chronodisruption, epigenetics,
gestational programming, intestinal microbiota, eating
Amaya A/ Enfermería INvestiga Vol. 9 No. 2 2024 (April - June)
pattern and some endocrine disorders are related.
They result in complexity for the subjects (1).
Likewise, it has been established that a body mass
index (BMI) greater than 30 kg/m2 is an indicator of
obesity or general adiposity. However, this value may
vary with ethnicity. Likewise, it is recognized that the
waist/height ratio indicates abdominal adiposity.
Those subjects with a waist/height ratio greater than
or equal to 0.5 are classified as having high abdominal
adiposity (2).
In this order of ideas, the distribution of body fat, in the
specific case of abdominal obesity, is associated with
metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease and
is also an independent risk factor for all-cause
mortality. Anthropometric measures of abdominal
obesity include waist circumference, waist-to-hip ratio,
and waist-to-height ratio. It can also be performed with
3D body scanning, bioelectrical impedance,
ultrasound, dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA),
and magnetic resonance imaging (3).
In this sense, Balkau et al (4) in 2007 conducted a
study with 168,159 participants aged between 18-80
years, from 63 countries. These authors concluded
that waist circumference showed a greater probability
of cardiovascular disease and type diabetes. 2 than
BMI in participants from most regions of the world.
Likewise, Tarqui-Mamani et al (5) in 2017 determined
the risk of cardiovascular disease according to
abdominal circumference in 16,832 Peruvians 12
years of age, finding that 50.1% presented a low risk
of cardiovascular disease, 22.8% a high risk and
27 .1% very high risk.
On the other hand, there are factors that favor this
obesity, such as dietary factors, including the
consumption of hypercaloric diets, high in saturated
fats, associated with situations such as a sedentary
life, which are factors related to the increase in the
problem (6). Nowadays, within the meals consumed
during the day, there appears to be a global
recognition that breakfast should play a significant role
in helping consumers achieve an optimal nutritional
profile (7).
Breakfast is defined as the first meal of the day that
breaks the overnight fast, or the meal consumed
within 2 to 3 hours of waking up, which includes at
least one food or drink and can be consumed
anywhere. It has been reported that both Western and
Eastern populations define an adequate breakfast as
one that provides at least 20-25% of energy needs
(7,8).Its consumption has been associated with a
variety of beneficial health effects, such as lower body
mass index and improved insulin sensitivity, which are
significant risk factors for cardiovascular disease and
type 2 diabetes mellitus (8).
In particular, the inhabitants of a certain region can
consume what is produced in their natural space or
environment, after which they can exchange food as
a way to cover a food deficit or change their daily diet.
In general terms, breakfast consumption habits,
conducted without any health criteria or nutritional
purpose, can generate impacts on individuals (9). For
this reason, it is important to know how food
consumption during breakfast is promoting abdominal
obesity in adults.
The combination of different factors can generate an
obesogenic environment. For example: nutritional
alterations such as the modification of the diet that has
been noticed worldwide, since over the years the
consumption of foods with high calorie content, rich in
sugars but low in vitamins, fiber, macronutrients and
minerals has increased. As well as the modification in
the number of foods consumed during the day due to
lack of time for consumption, purchase or preparation
of food (10).
Regarding the role of breakfast, numerous
observational studies associate eating regularly with
better weight control in adults (11,12). The ANIBES
study (Anthropometry, Intake and Energy Balance in
Spain), based on food and nutrition surveys, had the
objective of determining anthropometric data, the
intake of macronutrients and micronutrients, as well
as the practice of physical activity, socioeconomic
data and lifestyles in Spain. It is confirmed that the risk
of having abdominal obesity is 1.5 times higher in
those who skip breakfast when compared to those
who always eat breakfast, and the risk is even higher
among smokers (12).
An association has also been observed between
skipping breakfast with increased weight, BMI,
abdominal obesity, and other cardiovascular and
metabolic risk factors such as hypertension,
dyslipidemia, diabetes, and atherosclerosis (8).
Compared to the numerous observational studies that
associate breakfast, weight and body composition, it
contrasts that there are few longitudinal and
intervention studies that have been able to analyze
the role of breakfast in weight control and, above all,
long-term studies (13).
Based on everything previously stated, the present
research aims to evaluate the quality of breakfast in
obese adults and its relationship with abdominal
obesity as a cardiovascular risk factor. It has the
purpose of obtaining information about the foods
consumed in the first meal of the day to develop
strategies that allow better management of this
The present research is descriptive, observational
with a cross-sectional design, non-experimental and
correlational. The population was made up of 470
patients who attended the Clinical Nutrition external
consultation service at the Amado Clinic in the city of
Maracaibo, Venezuela, during the period between
July 2022-July 2023.
Amaya A/ Enfermería INvestiga Vol. 9 No. 2 2024 (April - June)
A non-probabilistic random sample consisting of 214
patients was calculated. The inclusion criteria were
the following: a) Of both genders, b) Age between 20
- 65 years, c) with a BMI greater than 30 kg/m2 and d)
no history of kidney disease, autoimmune diseases or
cancer. All research procedures were performed in
accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki (14),
individual written informed consent was obtained from
all participants.
In all patients who met the inclusion criteria, a protocol
was carried out to collect information in a nutritional
history, where epidemiological, clinical,
anthropometric and dietary data were noted. In the
nutritional evaluation, the body dimension
measurements by a specialist in Clinical Nutrition,
previously trained and with standardized methods in
Anthropometry. Body weight was obtained using a
Health o Meter Continental Scale Corporation
platform scale, Bridgeview, Illinois, USA, calibrated in
kg (0.1 kg). In the nutritional evaluation of the subjects,
the following anthropometric techniques were applied
to evaluate body dimension:
Weight and height: The patient with the minimum of
clothing on, after having evacuated the rectum and
bladder, was weighed on the scale balanced at zero.
The subject was placed in an erect position, with the
upper limbs on both sides of the body, the palms and
fingers of the hands straight and extended
downwards, the patient facing forward, standing, with
the weight distributed equally on both feet and these
slightly separated (15).
Likewise, height was measured with the
accompanying height meter of the Health o Meter
Continental Scale Corporation, Bridgeview, Illinois,
USA platform scale calibrated in cm (0.1 cm). The
subject without shoes stood with his heels together at
a 4 angle. The heels, buttocks, back and occipital
region were in contact with the vertical surface of the
height meter. The recording was taken in cm and the
subject kept his head in the Frankfurt Plane (15).
Regarding the Body Mass Index (BMI), the weight and
height data of the individual were taken, the Quetelet
equation was executed: weight (kg)/height (m)2. The
classification was used: 30-34.9 kg/m2 = Obesity I;
35-39.9 kg/m2 = Obesity II and >40 kg/m2 = Obesity
III according to the WHO criteria (16).
For the waist/height indicator: it was obtained by
dividing the waist circumference by the height, both
measured in centimeters. The cut-off point used for
both sexes was >0.50, an indicator of cardiovascular
risk (17). Waist circumference (WC) was measured
with the individual standing, taking as a reference for
measurement the midpoint between the last rib and
the iliac crest in a plane horizontal to the ground. The
individual was relaxed, upright, in profile; the arms
resting on the thighs and the abdomen exposed, in the
position described. The lower costal edge and the
upper edge of the iliac crest were palpated, both on
the right side. Thus, the measuring tape was taken at
the middle vertical distance and then the same was
done on the left side (15).
Once the mean was marked on both sides with a
dermal marker, the tape was placed without
compressing it, around the waist to measure the
circumference and taking the corresponding reading.
For the anthropometric measurement of waist
circumference, the criteria of Reis et al17 were
applied. The following were considered as reference:
Men with a WC >/= 94 cm and women with a WC >/=
80 cm have abdominal pre-obesity and increased risk
of comorbidity; Men with a WC >/= 102 cm and women
with a WC >/= 88 cm have abdominal obesity and high
risk of comorbidity (18).
Hip circumference was obtained by asking the subject
to uncover the part that includes the hip to palpate the
greater trochanters of the head of the femur. Once the
trochanters were located, the measuring tape was
placed without compressing it around them, at their
maximum circumference, and the reading was taken
(15). The Waist Hip Index (WHR) was calculated by
dividing these circumferences; the following scale was
used (16): Cardiovascular risk: Men: >0.90 and
Women: >0.80.
Diet Assessment
Finally, a dietary history was taken which consisted of
three parts: 1) 24-hour anamnesis to know the type of
food consumed. 2) Food consumption preference. 3)
Questions, specific to breakfast consumption - The
24-hour recall is a retrospective method in which the
interviewee is asked to remember all the foods and
drinks ingested in the preceding 24 hours, or during
the previous day, using measurements practical as a
reminder. The food consumption preference consists
of a list of foods, or food groups, where it is requested
whether or not to consume certain foods. It consisted
of 45 items (19).
On the other hand, the Breakfast Quality Index (BQI)
was applied, which has been developed as a tool to
evaluate the nutritional quality of breakfast at the
individual and population level (20). The scoring
system for food group components was qualitative.
For example, quantities consumed were not
considered and only whether the food group was
reported as consumed or not in dietary records was
considered. Likewise, the fourth component was
included according to the combined consumption of
cereals, dairy products, and fruits or vegetables at
breakfast on at least one day (20, 21).
The categories to evaluate the quality of breakfast
were: good quality (includes at least one portion of
Amaya A/ Enfermería INvestiga Vol. 9 No. 2 2024 (April - June)
each of the three food groups considered), improvable
quality (includes a portion of food from two different
groups), insufficient (includes a portion of food from a
group), poor quality (includes foods that do not belong
to the previous groups (20,21)
Statistical analysis of data
Data analysis was performed using the Statistical
Package for the Social Sciences (IBM SPSS), version
20 for Windows. The mean was used as a measure of
central location, as well as the standard deviation as
measures of dispersion only in those quantitative
variables with a normal distribution. To verify the
normal distribution of the data, the Kolmogorov-
Smirnov test was applied.
On the other hand, the qualitative variables were
expressed in the form of absolute and relative
frequencies. Variables such as gender, age,
anthropometric nutritional status and the risk indicator
waist circumference were used as grouping factors,
while body dimension variables and food groups were
used as target variables. The results were analyzed in
contingency tables. The association of frequency
distributions between two groups was performed
using Pearson's Chi square test. To compare the
means, Student's t-test and ANOVA were used for
parametric variables and Kruskal Wallis for non-
parametric variables. Results were considered
statistically significant with values of p<0.05.
In the present research, 206 subjects met the
inclusion criteria. Table 1 represents the
epidemiological and anthropometric characteristics of
the subjects evaluated according to gender. It is
observed in the male gender that the BMI was
33.9±3.1 kg/m2, the circumference/waist (C/C) of
108.8±10.8 cm, waist/height ratio (WHR) of 0.63±0.06
and waist/hip ratio (WHR) of 0.96±0.09. In the female
gender, the BMI was 34.2±3.2 kg/m2, the
circumference/waist was 99.1±10.8 cm, the
waist/height index was 0.62±0.06 and the waist/hip
ratio of 0.85±0.07. Significant differences were
observed for waist circumference, waist/hip ratio
Table 2 represents the epidemiological and
anthropometric characteristics of the subjects
evaluated according to the waist circumference
indicator, which classifies them into pre-obesity and
abdominal obesity. The abdominal preobesity group
was made up of 37 individuals with a BMI of 34.5±3.2
kg/m2, waist circumference=91.7±7.5 cm,
waist/height ratio= 0.55±0. .03 and the waist/hip
ratio=0.84±0.07. In the abdominal obesity group made
up of 177 subjects, the BMI was 31.8±1.6 kg/m2, waist
circumference=106.0±10.4 cm, waist/height ratio=
0.64± 0.05 and the waist/hip ratio=0.92±0.10. A
significant response was found in all parameters
(p=0.000) with the exception of height.
Amaya A/ Enfermería INvestiga Vol. 9 No. 2 2024 (April - June)
Table 3 records the consumption of culinary
preparations at breakfast according to the degree of
abdominal obesity in the subjects evaluated. Very little
variety was observed in the most frequently
consumed foods. It is observed that in the abdominal
preobesity group the most frequently consumed
culinary preparations were arepa with ham and
cheese (14%), sandwich with ham and cheese (10%)
and eggs 8%. In the abdominal obesity group, the
most consumed culinary preparations were arepa with
ham and cheese (66%), sandwich with ham and
cheese (53%), and banana with cheese (32%).
Although the abdominal obesity group had a greater
frequency of consumption of the most calorie-rich
foods, no differences were found between the two
Table 4 represents the consumption of drinks at
breakfast according to the waist circumference scale
in the subjects evaluated. In general, the majority did
not consume drinks with breakfast. However, in the
abdominal pre-obesity group, it was observed that
milk had the highest consumption (8%) followed by
milk with oats (6%) and coffee with milk (5%), while,
in the abdominal obesity group, milk had the highest
frequency of consumption (28%) followed by black
coffee (22%), then soft drinks and oat milk (19%
Amaya A/ Enfermería INvestiga Vol. 9 No. 2 2024 (April - June)
Table 5 represents the consumption of vegetables
and fruits according to their percentage content of
carbohydrates at breakfast according to the waist
circumference scale in the subjects evaluated. In the
pre-abdominal obesity group, with respect to the
consumption of vegetables, it is observed that5%
vegetables (spinach, lettuce, cucumber), presented
the highest frequency of consumption (24%) followed
by10% vegetables (tomato, onion, carrot) (19%).
Regarding fruits at 5%, 10% and 15% and regarding
fruits at 20%, they were only consumed by 7 patients
In the abdominal obesity group in the same table 5, it
is observed that the5% vegetables already
mentioned, presented the highest frequency of
consumption (24%) followed by10% vegetables
(19%), which they used as a condiment. In the same
table 4, with respect to fruits, 19% of the subjects with
abdominal obesity consumed 5% fruits. The fruits with
the lowest consumption were fruits at 15% (peach,
apple, soursop, mango, pineapple) and
20%(bananas) representing 9% and 7% respectively.
In general, a low consumption of fruits and vegetables
was found in both groups, not statistically significant.
Amaya A/ Enfermería INvestiga Vol. 9 No. 2 2024 (April - June)
When analyzing Table 6, according to the waist
circumference scales, the abdominal preobesity group
represented 36% of the total group, with a
predominance of the male gender (64%). Regarding
the quality of breakfast, 44% consumed a type of
breakfast of improvable quality, 41% a good quality
breakfast. 12% of poor quality and 3% of insufficient
In this same table 6, it is observed that in the
abdominal obesity group, it can be seen that 57%
were women and 43% were men. Regarding the
quality of breakfast, 60% consumed a type of
breakfast of improvable quality, 30% a good quality
breakfast. 7% of poor quality and 3% of insufficient
quality. A significant difference was found with respect
to the predominance in the female gender and its
greater frequency in the consumption of breakfast of
improvable quality (39%). In the good quality
breakfast, the values between genders were similar.
Table 7 shows the epidemiological and anthropometric characteristics of the subjects evaluated according to the
quality of breakfast. It is observed that the older they are, the quality of breakfast decreases. All subjects
presented a high cardiovascular risk determined by waist circumference, waist/height ratio and waist/hip ratio
independent of the quality of the breakfast consumed.
Finally, in Table 8, no association was found between the anthropometric indicators of cardiovascular risk and
the quality of the breakfast consumed by the participants. A predominance of abdominal obesity with
cardiovascular risk is observed.
Amaya A/ Enfermería INvestiga Vol. 9 No. 2 2024 (April - June)
Obesity refers to the excessive accumulation of fat in
the body and the pattern of fat distribution, in this case
abdominal fat, called abdominal or visceral obesity,
which is considered the most serious form of fat
distribution, since predisposes individuals to various
metabolic disorders and diseases (22). On the other
hand, it has been reported that eating a healthy
breakfast is associated with better control of body
weight and indicators of healthy cardiometabolic risk,
both in children and adults (9).
The objective of this research was to determine the
association between the quality of breakfast and
obesity and its association with anthropometric
indicators of cardiovascular risk. It was observed that
all subjects presented a high cardiovascular risk
independent of the quality of breakfast consumed. A
greater consumption in women of a breakfast of
improvable quality was found; while poor quality
breakfast had a higher frequency of consumption in
men, and with increasing age the quality of breakfast
decreased. No significant differences were found
between breakfast quality and anthropometric
cardiovascular risk associated with obesity.
Waist circumference and BMI alone are positively
associated with morbidity and mortality independent
of age, sex, and ethnicity (23). It should be noted that,
according to BMI, the waist/height ratio and
circumference/hip observed in the present study are
similar to those reported by Álvarez Man (24) in
2020, in his work on the prevalence of abdominal
obesity in administrative workers in the city of
Machala, Ecuador; where the female sex
predominated with 59.3% and the age group of 35 to
39 years with 23.1%, the male sex was more
Abdominal obesity is a risk factor for health, favoring
the development of comorbidities such as:
dyslipidemia, high blood pressure, insulin resistance,
diabetes mellitus. and cardiovascular diseases (25).
In this order of ideas, Hidalgo et al., (26), carried out
an epidemiological, cross-sectional study with a
sample of 1,496 people found a prevalence of
abdominal obesity in adults in the State of
Pernambuco, Brazil of 64.4%, lower than that reported
in the present research.
On the other hand, healthy eating in adults is
conditioned by their eating habits. A typical diet for an
adult should include at least three main meals, with
four generally recommended. Regarding breakfast, it
should be noted that in this work only the quality of
breakfast was evaluated, which is determined by the
type of food consumed. In this order of ideas, the
predominant basic groups at breakfast should be dairy
products, cereals and fruit or fresh fruit juice; with dairy
products and cereals (cookies, bread, pastries,
breakfast cereals) being preferred by the subjects
In this sense, Akbarzade et al., (28) evaluated
abdominal obesity in 850 Iranian subjects according
to the waist-hip ratio (HR/C 0.9 for men, ≥0.85 for
women) and waist circumference ( that is, abdominal
obesity if ≥102 cm for men, WC 88 cm for women)
with the quality of breakfast, reported a significant
relationship between the dietary pattern of “bread and
cereals, meat products and coffee” and the waist/hip
ratio , although no significant relationship was
observed between general obesity and breakfast
dietary patterns. Similar results observed in the
present investigation.
On the other hand, the Latin American Nutrition and
Health Study (29) with a sample of 8,714 participants
aged between 15 and 65 years analyzed the food and
nutrient intake of nationally representative samples of
Amaya A/ Enfermería INvestiga Vol. 9 No. 2 2024 (April - June)
urban populations from 8 countries in Los Angeles
(Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica,
Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela) in 2014-2015, to
evaluate the general quality of the diet of individuals.
These authors concluded that at breakfast, white
breads/rolls/tortillas were the most consumed food
group (60%), followed by butter/margarine (40%) and
coffee/tea without milk (34%-50%). Results that
coincide with the present investigation (29).
Likewise, Min et al., (30) in a study of Korean adults,
indicated a Western breakfast pattern that included
eggs, refined cereals, and processed meat was
associated with an increased risk of metabolic
syndrome, of which abdominal obesity is a
component. key, compared to a breakfast pattern of
fruits, nuts and vegetables.
No association was found between breakfast
consumption and obesity, or with anthropometric
indicators of cardiovascular risk. Breakfast intake may
be associated with diet quality, body composition, and
chronic disease risk markers (31). In contrast,
skipping breakfast is linked to a low-quality diet, poor
cognitive performance, and negative health outcomes
(7). Cardiovascular diseases constitute a global health
challenge influenced by the factors that determine
health, with diet being one of the most influential
factors. In this sense, it has been determined that the
frequency, quality and quantity of the diet within eating
habits play a predominant role (32).
As for the consumption of culinary preparations at
breakfast, it confirms the results expressed by the
Commission for Human Rights of the State of Zulia
(Codhez), where they express that, in this region,
culturally there is a marked consumption of high-
calorie foods in the breakfast (33). In this sense, Sun
et al., (34) reported that consumption of a fast food-
style breakfast, rich in energy and high in fat, resulted
in an increase in postprandial oxidative stress.
On the other hand, Coronel (27) evaluated the quality
of breakfast in 55 (only 3% with obesity) nutrition
students at the University of the Faculty of Health
Sciences, Argentina. Most of the breakfasts were
evaluated under the category of good quality
breakfast, that is, they contain at least one food from
the group of dairy products, cereals and fruit. This
author reported that 34.5% were in the breakfast
category of improvable quality, only 14.5% included a
dairy, a cereal and a fruit in this meal. Among the
strengths of this research work, it is worth highlighting
that there is little published evidence that evaluates
the impact of breakfast on obese people in clinical
practice (mainly focusing on schoolchildren and
adolescents and on the epidemiological part).
Another important aspect was the low consumption of
fruits and vegetables within the qualitative value of the
breakfast of the subjects studied. There is extensive
scientific evidence about the benefits for human
health of the consumption of fruits and vegetables,
due to the properties derived from phytochemical
compounds and combinations of nutrients, specifically
vitamins and minerals (35).These results are similar to
those reported by Delley et al., (36) from their study in
460 German-speaking Swiss residents where they
evaluated the quality of breakfast, concluding that the
composition of the Swiss breakfast is moderately
healthy and lacks fruits and whole grain products. .
Finally, in these subjects, where obesity has already
been established, it is important to develop dietary
strategies where weight status, caloric and nutrient
needs, food preferences, and cardiometabolic risk
factors must be considered. This is why it is
recommended to carry out nutritional education where
all treatment approaches must consider qualitative
and quantitative food selection, in addition to a
negative energy balance (37).
All subjects presented a high cardiovascular risk
determined by the abdominal distribution of body fat,
regardless of the quality of the breakfast consumed.
Although breakfast predominated, it was
characterized by very low consumption of vegetables
and fruits; which infers, from a clinical point of view,
that they are patients with a chronic pathology, where
not only the quality, but also the management of the
portions and energy density of the predominant food
groups in their diet must be considered.
None declared by the authors
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