García M/ Enfermería Investiga Vol. 9 No. 2 2024 (April June)
Mercè García Grau1, Joan InglésTorruella1
0002-3302-4274, Rosa Gil Soto1, Esther Sabaté Águila1, Miriam Bandera Báez1,
Gustavo Moreno Martín1
1Health Surveillance Unit of the Prevention Service of EDP Salut Sant Joan Reus - Baix Camp (EDPSALUT SANT JOAN
REUS-BAIX CAMP) (EDPSSBC). Sant Joan University Hospital. Reus. Spain.
2477-9172 / 2550-6692 All Rights Reserved © 2024 Technical University of Ambato, Nursing Career. This is an open access article
distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons License, which permits unlimited use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.
Corresponding Author: Esp Mercè Garcia Grau.
Received: January 20, 2024
Accepted: March 28, 2024
Introduction: The COVID-19 disease presents an
acute affectation that can continue in a sustained
manner beyond 12 weeks from the onset of the initial
symptoms, being called Persistent COVID (Post
COVID, Long COVID). Objective: Assess the
incidence of Persistent Covid that the workers at the
Sant Joan de Reus Hospital and Reus-Baix Camp
Primary Care (EDPSSJRBC) have presented,
during the period from March 2020 to November
2022, predominant clinical, work impact. Methods:
Descriptive observational study of active workers on
9/30/2022, who after COVID-19 developed
Persistent Covid during 2020 to 2022. Study by
survey of workers with COVID-19 with Persistent
Covid symptoms and subsequent in-person
evaluation through questionnaires, health
examinations and complementary tests. Final
assessment of work capacity against Persistent
Covid in the context of the Health Surveillance of the
Risk Prevention Service. Results: The profile of the
worker affected by Persistent Covid in our study is
characterized by: female sex, over 40 years of age,
care work profile, with predominant symptoms of
sleep disorder, memory disorder, difficulty
concentrating, changes in mental status, mood,
arthralgia, fatigue and headache. They presented
abnormal results in the tests: Post COVID-19
Functional Scale, Insomnia Severity Index and
Montreal Cognitive Assessment Test.Conclusions:
Clinical impact of Persistent Covid of the workers in
our study who improved over time and after
cognitive rehabilitation treatments in the Cognitive
Impairment Unit and regular physical exercise
prescribed by the Sports Medicine Unit. Persistent
Covid did not prevent the development of their work
Keywords: Post-Acute COVID-19 Syndrome;
COVID-19; Health Personnel; Work Capacity
COVID-19 disease due to infection with the SARS-
CoV-2 Coronavirus (1,2) presents an acute clinical
picture, which can persist over time, which has been
called Persistent COVID (Post COVID, Long
COVID). The definition of Persistent COVID
includes a patient diagnosed with COVID-19
through PCR tests and/or serology who, after 12
weeks from the onset of the first symptom, presents
symptoms that were part of the acute phase of the
SARS-CoV-2 infection and that persists today (3,4).
The symptomatic picture of Persistent COVID may
include respiratory, rheumatic, neurological,
digestive, otorhinolaryngological, cardiological
and/or general symptoms (3-6). Exacerbations or
reactivations of previous pathologies and symptoms
that appear after the initial clinical presentation will
García M/ Enfermería Investiga Vol. 9 No. 2 2024 (April June)
be excluded from the diagnosis of Persistent
COVID. In the Health Surveillance Unit of the
EDPSSJRBC Prevention Service, a medical
procedure was implemented for the detection,
assistance and monitoring of workers with
Persistent COVID symptoms.
The continuity of Persistent COVID symptoms, apart
from the possible impact on workers' daily activities,
may have an implication on the development of their
work activity, with the need for temporary or
permanent work disability or adaptations to their job,
to be assessed by the Health Surveillance Services
The purpose of this study is to record the symptoms
presented by the workers at the Sant Joan de Reus
Hospital and Primary Care of Reus and Baix Camp,
the healthcare, rehabilitation and follow-up care
provided to the workers in the period from March
2020 to November 2022. Since the study has been
carried out within the framework of the Health
Surveillance Unit, the work impact of the workers
derived from Persistent COVID and the need for
functional adaptation that they may have required in
their work place has also been assessed during the
study period.
This is an observational, descriptive study of the
workers of the EDPSSJBC company, in September
2022, who suffered from COVID-19 and the
symptoms of Persistent COVID developed in the
period 2020 to 2022. The workers who were
excluded: not belonging to EDPSSJBC; workers in
a situation of incapacity for work and those who did
not complete all phases of the study.
To evaluate the Persistent COVID clinic from the
Health Surveillance Unit of the Occupational Risk
Prevention Service, the Procedure for care action in
workers with Persistent COVID (2021), in force at
EDPSSBC, was applied.
This procedure consists of: sending a survey of
symptoms compatible with Persistent COVID
(Fever, low-grade fever or chills, fatigue that
prevents daily activity, myalgia at rest or daily
activity, arthralgia of extremities at rest, dyspnea at
rest or daily activities, persistent cough, chest pain
at rest or daily activity, anosmia or ageusia,
headache, diarrhea, memory loss, changes in
mood, sadness, crying, nervousness, insomnia,
alopecia) to workers who had suffered from COVID-
19. Those who responded affirmatively to Persistent
symptoms of more than 12 weeks were scheduled
to undergo a health examination. This health
examination included a nursing part with the
completion of a new Persistent COVID symptoms
questionnaire at the time of the visit, application of
different tests and scales, all with validity and
reliability (10,11).
These scales include: EQ5D functional quality of life
scales (EuroQol) (Cronbach 0.75) (12.13), mMRC
Test for evaluation of dyspnea (Pearson coef 0.92)
(14.15), Test Hamilton anxiety/depression scale
(HAD) (Cronbach 0.89) (16.17), Post COVID-19
Functional Status Scale (PCFS) ((kappa 0.63))
(18.19), Modified Impact of Fatigue (MFIS)
(Cronbach 0.81) (20.21), Sleep Scale: Insomnia
Severity Index (Cronbach 0.82) (22.23), Pain
Assessment Questionnaire (Bpi) (Cronbach 0.82)
76) (24.25) and Montreal Cognitive Assessment
(MOCA) (Cronbach's 0.891) (26.27). In addition, the
specific analytical determination was carried out:
total SARS CoV-2 antibodies (Ab), blood count,
ESR, albumin, total and direct bilirubin, serum
calcium, total cholesterol and cholesterol fractions,
complement CH50, C3, C4, creatinine, glomerular
filtration rate , rheumatoid factor, ferritin, iron, folate,
alkaline phosphatase, phosphorus, GGT, GOT,
GPT, glucose, glycosylated hemoglobin, ionogram
(sodium and potassium), C-reactive protein, total
proteins, transferrin, triglycerides, urea, vitamin B12,
vitamin D, antithrombin III, prothrombin time,
activated partial thromboplastin, antinuclear
antibodies, DNA autoantibodies, TSH, T3 and T4,
apoprotein, creatine kinase, fibrinogen, lactic
dehydrogenase, and antiphospholipid syndrome.
Anthropometric data were recorded: weight, height
and abdominal circumference. Measurement of
blood pressure, pulse, oxygen saturation, body
temperature was carried out. And a spirometry and
an electrocardiogram were performed.
Subsequently, it was scheduled for the medical
health examination to: evaluate the data collected by
the nursing staff, the analytical results and the tests
performed, as well as the tests completed by the
workers. A clinical history was taken: directed
anamnesis of the COVID-19 disease (onset,
symptoms, treatment performed, hospital/ICU
admissions, mechanical ventilation requirements...),
anamnesis of previous history, chronic treatments
and assessment of Persistent COVID symptoms. A
directed physical examination was performed:
neurological examination (cranial nerves,
coordination and balance tests, Romberg test...),
cardiorespiratory, oropharyngeal and abdominal
examination, lumbar fist percussion,
musculoskeletal examination, eye examination,
otoscopy, skin examination; assessment of the need
for treatment. Complementary tests were requested:
Chest radiology or lung CT, respiratory functional
tests, echocardiogram... or referrals to other medical
specialties: Sports Medicine and/or Physiotherapy
Unit, Cognitive Impairment Unit, Medicine Unit
Internal, Otorhinolaryngology Unit, Cardiology Unit,
Digestology Unit, Rheumatology Unit, Dermatology
Subsequent follow-up visits were made to the
workers who required it with an in-person or
telephone appointment to evaluate the results of the
complementary tests requested, treatments
performed, consultations with other medical
specialties requested and/or relevant referrals to
other Hospital services. as well as assessment of
the health status of the professional.
The results of the workers who presented symptoms
of Persistent COVID and who participated in the
study of the EDPSSBC Health Surveillance Unit
were analyzed. The variables considered were: age,
García M/ Enfermería Investiga Vol. 9 No. 2 2024 (April June)
sex, professional category, results of surveys and
tests, anthropometric data, analytical and physical
examination results, complementary tests
(electrocardiogram, spirometry, blood pressure),
referrals to medical specialties and possible work
The treatment and analysis of the data from the
study project is carried out by health personnel from
the EDPSSBC Health Surveillance Unit. Finally, an
assessment of the worker's work aptitude was made
considering the possible impact of Persistent
COVID. To compare the results, the categories have
been referenced: sex, age (in groups of 1-40 and
>40) and professional category (grouped into care
and non-care).
The incidence of the results and 95% confidence
interval (95%CI) were calculated. Differences
between variables were quantified using incidence
rates, odds ratio (OR) and 95% CI. To calculate the
demographic incidence rates, the population of
Hospital workers and the values of the variables
(COVID-19, Persistent COVID) detected
respectively based on gender, age and professional
group have been taken into account. To calculate
the incidence rates of the clinical variables (results
of tests, tests performed and physical examinations
performed), the results obtained for each variable
have been taken into account with respect to the
total number of Persistent COVID surveys per 100.
To calculate the incidence rates of interhospital
referrals, the number of referrals made to the
different medical services has been expressed, with
respect to the total number of referrals made
multiplied by 100. Regarding the functional impact
on work, the rate of incidence of occupational
impairment of workers affected by Persistent COVID
with respect to the total number of workers with
Persistent COVID studied. To calculate the 95%CI,
the Excel 365 statistical function was used for a Z
value of 1.96 and to calculate the OR, MedCalc
Statistical Software version 20.210 (Med-Calc
Software bv, Ostend, Belgium) was used;; 2020).
Approval of the EDP Salut Sant Joan de Reus-Baix
Camp Clinical Research Ethics Committee (IISPV
Drug Research Ethics Committee), which considers
that: -The necessary suitability requirements of the
protocol are met in relation to the objectives of the
study and the foreseeable risks and discomforts for
the subject are justified. -The capacity of the
researcher and the available means are appropriate
to carry out the study. -The proposed waiver of
consent for this study is accepted. -The scope of the
planned economic compensation does not interfere
with respect for ethical postulates. -This committee
in its meeting dated 06/27/2023, minute number
006/2023, has evaluated and decided to issue a
Favorable Report for the study to be carried out, and
accepts that said study be carried out at: Hospital
Universitari Sant Joan de Reus by GARCIA GRAU,
MERCE of the Health Surveillance Unit as main
researcher. (Code CEIm104/2023 final version:
Version 002 date: 6/13/2023)
The EDPSSBC staff workers as of September 2022,
who suffered from the COVID-19 disease in the
study period were 398 workers out of a total of 2,120
workers, representing 18.77%. In the resulting data
(Table 1), COVID-19 is observed in women with an
incidence rate of 18.90% (CI95:16.98-20.83%);
greater affectation in the age group under 40 years
(rate of 22.12) (OR 1.50; CI95:1.21-1.87%) and in
care workers (rate of 20.63) (OR 2.71; CI95:1.81-
4.02%), versus non-care
García M/ Enfermería Investiga Vol. 9 No. 2 2024 (April June)
Thus, 158 workers (39.7%) also responded
affirmatively to the Persistent COVID
symptomatology screening surveys. Of those who
responded to the screening surveys, 70 workers
(44.30%) showed symptoms compatible with the
definition of Persistent COVID (Table 2).
The incidence of Persistent COVID in the study
population (Table 2) predominates in women at a
rate of 48.03%, with a higher rate of COVID-19 and
response to screening; in the population over 40
years of age (rate 49.40%) (population with a
greater response to screening and with the
presence of previous pathologies that may influence
the symptoms of Persistent COVID); and in the
healthcare population (rate 44.37%), front-line
personnel, with a higher response rate to screening.
Finally, 50 workers (71.42%) attended evaluation for
PERSISTENT COVID in the Health Surveillance
Unit (20 workers did not attend a medical
appointment and were excluded from the study). In
reference to the symptoms of Persistent COVID
(table 3): workers reported sleep disorders 32%
followed by memory loss or difficulty concentrating
30%, mood changes, sadness, crying or
nervousness 28%, pain joint pain at rest 28%,
feeling fatigue or tiredness in daily activities 24%
and headache 22%. If we analyze the pathological
results of the tests applied to the workers, we
observe: post-COVID functional status assessment
test 77.42% (although the majority indicate minimal
or mild functional limitation), insomnia test and
MOCA test (51 .61%; CI95: 34.02-69.21%) in both
respectively, followed by the pain test (45.16%;
CI95: 27.64-62.68%) and quality of life, sleep and
emotions. (45.16%; CI95:27.64-62.68%).
Of the tests carried out in the health examinations
carried out (Table 3), the majority of workers present
alterations in the analytical parameters 94.59%,
followed by a body mass index of Obesity in 45.16%
and alterations ECG 22.58% (left bundle branch
block, first degree atrioventricular block, left anterior
hemiblock, extrasystole, tachycardia, sinus
bradycardia and nonspecific repolarization
alteration). The most significant laboratory analytical
parameters detected are: Vitamin D deficiency
64.86%, dyslipidemia 51.35%, immunological
parameters 40.54% (positive antinuclear antibodies
and altered complement factors), followed by a
decrease in iron/ferritin 24. 32% and altered
coagulation parameters 21.62%. The most relevant
findings in the physical examination of the workers
(Table 3) were musculoskeletal involvement of the
spine in 73.08% and upper extremities: shoulders
(tendonitis)30.77% as well as venous vascular
insufficiency in lower extremities (venous
insufficiency)38.46%, not solely attributable to the
pathology of Persistent COVID.
García M/ Enfermería Investiga Vol. 9 No. 2 2024 (April June)
García M/ Enfermería Investiga Vol. 9 No. 2 2024 (April June)
Interhospital referrals were made (Table 4) mainly in the Cognitive Impairment Unit (Neurodegenerative)
34.62%, with a medical assessment that indicated “no significant impairment”; referrals to the Sports
Medicine Unit 26.92% with symptomatic improvement in fatigue symptoms and improvement in functional
capacity. To a lesser extent, referral to the Pulmonology Unit 7.69%.
García M/ Enfermería Investiga Vol. 9 No. 2 2024 (April June)
The majority of the workers (90%) in the current study had a self-limiting COVID condition that allowed them
to carry out the activities of their workplace (table 5). It must be taken into account that the workers assessed
with Persistent COVID were actively working.
The strengths of this study to consider would be the
comprehensive assessment of the worker with
Persistent COVID with information collection,
medical health examinations, analytical and
complementary tests and with an assessment of
work capacity. The limitations in the study were a
low participation of workers with COVID-19, to
assess the symptoms of Persistent COVID. Some
workers with COVID-19 did not participate in the
study because they were in follow-up with other
medical specialties for Persistent COVID, others
because they were on temporary disability, and
others did not complete all phases of the study. The
active state of the COVID-19 pandemic must also be
taken into account, which implied coinciding with the
study of Persistent COVID, the care of new acute
episodes of COVID-19 and its subsequent study of
Persistent COVID.
The results of Persistent COVID obtained, with
respect to gender (mostly female), are referenced to
an initial population sample in number of female
workers that tripled that of male workers, and a
greater number of women with COVID-19 compared
to the number of men. In similarity with other studies
(28,29) where a predominance in women is also
observed. Likewise, this research, like other studies,
found a greater impact on older workers (28,29) who
were more predisposed to getting sick and with the
presence of previous pathologies that could
influence the manifestation of Persistent COVID.
Regarding the professional group, a greater impact
of Persistent COVID was observed in healthcare
workers (on the front line of health care, more
exposed to Sars-CoV-2 infection in this period),
versus non-care workers. The most prevalent
Persistent COVID symptoms were: sleep
impairment, memory loss, concentration difficulties,
mood changes, arthralgias, fatigue and headache,
observed in other Persistent COVID studies (30-33).
Regarding the results of the complementary tests,
analytical alterations were observed, highlighting
immunological parameters. The alterations in the
electrocardiogram are nonspecific, not attributable
to Persistent COVID exclusively. The findings in the
physical examination of the study participants are
not justified solely by the existence of Persistent
COVID. The persistence of muscle involvement in
the form of fatigue was observed in the study and
treatment was prescribed in the Sports Medicine
Unit. Through targeted physical exercise programs,
significant improvements in symptoms were
observed in the majority of workers, as in other
studies (34).
The Persistent COVID symptoms observed in this
study evolved favorably over time and with targeted
guidelines for physical exercise and cognitive
García M/ Enfermería Investiga Vol. 9 No. 2 2024 (April June)
rehabilitation, in the majority of our cases. In a
minority, who are currently being monitored, some
symptoms persist, without it being disabling at work
(the workers are still active). Coinciding with other
investigations (35,36)
The fact of having suffered the COVID-19 disease
more than once improved the symptoms of
Persistent COVID, in one case of the current
investigation. It is expected that future research in
the field of Persistent COVID will allow progress in
the diagnosis, treatment and recovery of the
There was clinical involvement of Persistent COVID
among the workers in the current investigation. They
improved over time and after cognitive rehabilitation
treatments in the Cognitive Impairment Unit and
regular physical exercise prescribed by the Sports
Medicine Unit. The impact of Persistent COVID did
not prevent the development of their work activity
To the participation of the EDPSSJBC Workers in
the study, the involvement of the medical Specialties
of the Sant Joan de Reus Hospital: Cognitive
Impairment Unit, Sports Medicine Unit; Pulmonology
Unit, Internal Medicine Unit, Cardiology Unit,
Digestology Unit, Otorhinolaryngology Unit,
Rheumatology Unit, Neurology Unit, Physiotherapy
Unit and others and, especially, to the EDPSSJBC
Health Surveillance staff.
The authors declare that they have no conflicts of
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