Analysis of the budget of the public universities of Guayas for the development of new information and communication technologies
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The present study originates due to the importance of the new technological tools currently available and that have become essential for the development of new educational processes, the main objective is to analyze the budget of the Public Universities of Guayas in the development of New Information and Communication Technologies during the period 2016-2020. The methodology used is directly related to exploratory, documentary and descriptive research, it is a mixed approach with greater strength in the quantitative since the statistical method is used, so much so that in the qualitative the bibliographic technical sheet was extracted. Among the main results are related to the fact that public spending on education reached 4,62% in 2018, being the highest figure, the University of Guayaquil is the institution that receives the most resources from the state due to the extension of the entity in infrastructure and academic offer, the Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral is the one that presents more detailed information regarding new information and communication technologies, in addition to that it is the first Higher Education Institution to offer a bachelor's degree in the TIC.
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