The perspective of university students on emotional intelligence as a tool to support human management

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Gladys Hernández Romero
Deivis Eduardo López Escalona
Sara Ivanova Mellado Sorcia


This research studies the opinions of university students belonging to the Economic-Administrative Sciences Division of the Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco, the objective is to know the general opinion about the use of emotional intelligence and the way in which it is used as a tool to support human management. This work shows the importance gained by the development of emotional intelligence as a factor of conflict resolution and creation of healthy spaces that allow the easy implementation of activities related to human management. For this reason, it is considered ideal to carry out this descriptive quantitative research in which data was collected from 171 students with curricular progress ranging from 20% to 100% of the degrees offered by the aforementioned division. The results obtained indicate that the university students have a notion of the subject in question, likewise, considering the information collected among the university students, it is feasible to make emotional intelligence visible as a tool that will propitiate the creation of spaces in which human management will be benefited.  It is suggested that related topics be included to facilitate its assimilation by students.



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How to Cite
Hernández Romero, G., López Escalona, D. E., & Mellado Sorcia, S. I. (2024). The perspective of university students on emotional intelligence as a tool to support human management. Bolentín De Coyuntura, (42), 18–25.
Scientific research articles


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