The rise of economic groups in Ecuador

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Ramiro Villarruel Meythaler
Paúl Sánchez Gómez
Keven Cachipuendo Lazo
Iván Jaramillo Jaramillo


The objective of this article is to analyze the growth of economic groups in Ecuador during the period of the government of former President Rafael Correa Delgado. The data analyzed show that, as the Ecuadorian economy improved in the 10 years of the correísta era, the economic groups generated higher incomes compared to previous periods and, together, their level of accumulation of wealth. In addition to this, the influence of certain economic variables and the income level of the economic groups is analyzed. In this sense, the economic groups took advantage of the potential that the Ecuadorian economy had to increase its income even more.




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How to Cite
Villarruel Meythaler, R., Sánchez Gómez, P., Cachipuendo Lazo, K., & Jaramillo Jaramillo, I. (2019). The rise of economic groups in Ecuador. Bolentín De Coyuntura, (23), 10–14. Retrieved from
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