The resilience of Venezuelan inmigrants in Ecuador

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Laura Cruz Mera
Aleksandar Tusev


The current study has as a general objective to evaluate the levels of resilience possessed by Venezuelan immigrants who resided in Ecuador from January 2018 until November of the same year. Resilience, in psychology, is the process of good adaptation against adversity, trauma, tragedy, threat or significant tensions regarding interpersonal conflicts, health difficulties and high stress situations. It integrates various factors such as self-esteem, autonomy, creativity, humor, self-confidence, social support and empathy; these were analyzed through a psychometric tool denominated “Personal factors of resilience inventory”. This study was done with a sample population of Venezuelan nationals who live in the refuge provided by the Hogar de Cristo organization in Guayaquil. The results demonstrated that there is a medium level of general resilience according to the average scores. Nonetheless, when analyzing the individual factor results, it was observed that the highest rated factors were self-esteem and autonomy.




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How to Cite
Cruz Mera, L., & Tusev, A. (2019). The resilience of Venezuelan inmigrants in Ecuador. Bolentín De Coyuntura, (23), 21–26. Retrieved from
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