Microcredit: Profiling communal banks members in the Cevallos canton
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Microcredit is an instrument mitigates poverty and promotes the economic and social development of low-income families, as long as the performance of certain administrative and operational processes is improved. In Ecuador, this service focus on social responsibility has been managed by non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that deploy their activities through communal banks in rural and periurban areas of the country. The aim of this investigation is to describe the economic and personal profiles members of these banks in the Cevallos canton. Therefore, seven communal banks supported by “Caritas Social Pastoral” were studied and through the surveys to 48 members, a statistical descriptive analysis was carried out; in which, it’s determined that communal banking is essential for the economic impulse of the members; since, it allows to mitigate needs, such as: housing, education, health and food. A relevant aspect of the study, is the data provided is one-way; it means, they were obtained exclusively from communal bank members of the communal banks. Consequently, the paper becomes an instrument to consider key performance indicators (KPI) that help to control the dropout and forsaking of members.
URL: https://revistas.uta.edu.ec/erevista/index.php/bcoyu/article/view/1159
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