Historical analysis of the impact of liberalism on public finances in Ecuador, period 1895-1925
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This research focuses on analyzing public finances in liberal Ecuador (1895-1925). In this context, it is necessary to point out that the economic, social and political crisis subjected Ecuador to a negative change in its financial structure and in the processes of execution of State decisions, thus creating a process of total instability and mismanagement of resources. public resources. After the Julian Revolution, the liberal system is abolished and the bankocracy is ended, beginning a new stage in search of a regime that promotes the development of the country and improves national interests. To validate this study, a documentary-type investigation was carried out that supports the investigative process, in addition, the documentary analysis was applied for the validation of the facts already raised under a quantitative approach. It is concluded that this period left a mark in the history of the Ecuadorian nation due to the inefficiency of the financial system that was managed and due to poor state intervention, which produced a coup d'état to minimize the internal conflict that was experienced and lay new foundations. in the political and financial system.
URL: https://revistas.uta.edu.ec/erevista/index.php/bcoyu/article/view/1850
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