Positive effects of migration for sending and receiving countries through the literature review method

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Ana Carolina Armijos Orellana
María José González Calle
Juan Manuel Maldonado Matute
María Isabel Arteaga Ortíz


Migration is a phenomenon that has marked the humanity history and which evolution has triggered debates that have focused on its causes and consequences. Regarding the latter, both positive and negative discourses have influenced the ideas of development and social transformation derived from human mobility. For this reason, the present study examines the positive effects of migration on sending and receiving countries, based on an in-depth bibliographical review carried out through four stages that were the definition of the problem, search, organization and analysis of information. The study period included the period of time 1995-2022. The results showed that there are positive bilateral win-win effects between sending and receiving countries derived from migration processes. Nonetheless, its benefits depend on the policies that regulate this phenomenon. It is concluded that migration constitutes a challenge and an opportunity, as long as activities dedicated to promote individual and collective awareness open to social integration are carried out, as well as protection measures for immigrants and natives.

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Armijos Orellana, A. C., González Calle, M. J., Maldonado Matute, J. M., & Arteaga Ortíz, M. I. (2024). Positive effects of migration for sending and receiving countries through the literature review method. Bolentín De Coyuntura, (41), 30–41. https://doi.org/10.31243/bcoyu.41.2024.2390
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