Fourth survey of citizen opinion of institutions, authorities and local aspects of the urban area of Canton Ambato

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Fernando Mayorga Núñez
Tatiana Vayas
Carolina Freire
Lorena Rivera Badillo


This research shows the results of the fourth citizen opinion probe that was done in the urban area of Ambato to determine the image level of its institutions and the perception about the credibility of Tungurahua’s province authorities, as well as, the information as used to measure local aspects related to basic services, road security, public transportation quality, citizen security and higher education institutions through the perception citizen index.




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How to Cite
Mayorga Núñez, F., Vayas, T., Freire, C., & Rivera Badillo, L. (2016). Fourth survey of citizen opinion of institutions, authorities and local aspects of the urban area of Canton Ambato. Bolentín De Coyuntura, (11), 10–15. Retrieved from
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