Strategic alliances as a business adaptation strategy in the face of the COVID-19 crisis
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In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, companies have found themselves facing unprecedented challenges. In response to these difficulties and in search of new opportunities, strategic alliances have emerged as vital tools. This study focuses on the analysis of the role of strategic alliances in response to the impacts of the pandemic. Its main objective is to examine how these alliances can contribute to the resilience and adaptation of companies, generating value in an environment characterized by its volatility and uncertainty. The methodology is based on a review of existing literature on strategic alliances and their application during the pandemic. A qualitative approach is used to analyze the results of scientific research, articles and publications relevant to the field of strategic management. The results obtained demonstrate that strategic alliances play a fundamental role in the business response to the pandemic. These alliances have allowed us to share resources, knowledge and capabilities, as well as access new markets and technologies. In addition, they have encouraged collaboration even between competitors, facilitating joint innovation and the development of solutions adapted to current demands. This study highlights the significant value of strategic alliances as an effective tool to address business challenges arising from the COVID-19 pandemic.
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