Impact of consumer characteristics on the adoption of digital means of payment: empirical evidence from the Peruvian context

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Luiggy Reynaldo Espinoza Angulo


This research focused on analyzing the determinants related to sociodemographic and economic characteristics of the use of digital payments in Peru, particularly after the impact of COVID-19. A quantitative approach was adopted and data were collected cross-sectionally from the National Household Survey for the period 2022. Based on the AIC and BIC selection criteria, in addition to the area under the ROC curve, the probit model was selected, whose marginal effects reveal the influence of age, with increases of up to 2.70% in older groups. Gender and education have moderate influences. The geographical location shows significant variations, with increases of up to 5.74%. Internet access clearly impacts, with a 4.21% increase in the probability of not adopting digital payments for those without access, and monthly income is inversely related, with significant decreases of up to 16.49% as income increases. These findings are crucial for financial institutions and policymakers when designing financial inclusion strategies and awareness campaigns targeting specific segments of the population. in a context where the digitalization of financial services is increasingly important.


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Espinoza Angulo, L. R. (2024). Impact of consumer characteristics on the adoption of digital means of payment: empirical evidence from the Peruvian context. Bolentín De Coyuntura, (43), 9–18.
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