Factors on the cigarette demand in Panama: recent evolution

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Luis Antonio Pereira Sánchez


This paper tries to update estimations of cigarette demand in Panama after the application of numerous measures targeted at reducing consumption following a similar methodology to studies found in the reviewed literature. The research design is observational, with annual aggregate data between 2015 and 2022, during which there hasn’t been further changes in the restrictive measures for demand, obtained from several national and international secondary sources. The analysis is made through a linear regression model, where cigarette consumption is related to variables of price, income and education. The magnitudes of the coefficients were different from those found in most of the literature, including previous estimations of Panama, which suggests important changes in the characteristics of the cigarette demand in the period. Although the result suggests that the price increase is an effective tool to reduce cigarette consumption, it also seems to point out the presence of substitutes in electronic cigarettes (in illegal conditions), as well as a loss of the earning capacity of the consumption tax. Additionally, it suggests a positive effect of education in the reduction of consumption.


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How to Cite
Pereira Sánchez, L. A. (2025). Factors on the cigarette demand in Panama: recent evolution. Bolentín De Coyuntura, (44), 27–35. https://doi.org/10.31243/bcoyu.44.2025.2567
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