The journal Investigación y Desarrollo is multidisciplinary and is included in the LATINDEX indexing service, and has been in force since 2010. It should be noted that the contents published in the journal are freely accessible and do not require any type of payment for the editorial process or subsequent consultation.

The types of articles published by the Revista Investigación y Desarrollo are: original articles, review articles, short articles, case reports, letters to the editor, reflection articles derived from research, short communications, among others. Articles are managed through the Open Journal System publication management platform.



The main purpose of the journal Investigación y Desarrollo de la Universidad Técnica de Ambato is to disseminate institutional advances in the field of scientific research in the areas of Natural Sciences, Human and Social Sciences, among others, in accordance with the premise that knowledge is the most valuable asset of organizations.



The Research and Development Journal is a multidisciplinary electronic and printed scientific publication, conceived for researchers and academics of the world to publish the results of their research in the following areas: Life Sciences, Human and Social Sciences, Economic Sciences, Education Sciences and Engineering. In accordance with the premise that knowledge is the most valuable asset of organizations.



The publishing entity is the Technical University of Ambato, through its Research and Development Directorate.



January - June

July - December

Edition deadlines in July and December.