The journal Investigación y Desarrollo of the Universidad Técnica de Ambato has as its main purpose to disseminate institutional advances in the field of scientific research in the areas of Natural Sciences, Human and Social Sciences, among others, in accordance with the premise that knowledge is the most valuable asset of organizations.
The journal Investigación y Desarrollo is multidisciplinary and is included in the LATINDEX indexing service, and has been in force since 2010. It should be noted that the contents published in the journal are freely accessible and do not require any type of payment for the editorial process or subsequent consultation.
The types of articles published by the Revista Investigación y Desarrollo are: original articles, review articles, short articles, case reports, letters to the editor, reflection articles derived from research, short communications, among others. Articles are managed through the Open Journal System publication management platform.

Editorial Process
The editorial process of Investigación y Desarrollo Journal consists of several stages defined by the scientific nature of the manuscripts.
The editorial process consists of the following stages:

Manuscript Submission
The main author is responsible for the manuscript, who, after registering it in the OJS platform and complying with the formats required by the journal, sends the manuscript through the journal's information operating system (OJS). Once the article is received, the main author is notified of the reception of the article through the Journal's management platform. For further information, please contact us at journal.dide@uta.edu.ec
Editor's evaluation
After receiving the manuscript, the Editor performs a pertinence analysis, evaluating the topics and content, verifying the characteristics of the journal, determining the character and competence of the manuscript, to finally define if the article is suitable to be submitted and continue the editorial process.
The Institutional Editor may accept or reject a manuscript completely, that is, before its revision by an associate editor or reviewer.
More often, however, the editor sends the manuscript to an associate editor or directly to the reviewer.


Information Review
If the manuscript is accepted for the review process, it is evaluated by the editorial team to verify that it meets the structure and requirements described in the editorial policy.
Failure to comply with the aforementioned requirements and non-compliance with the format will be understood as a reason for rejection of the manuscript.

Peer Review
Articles are sent to two external peer reviewers according to the subject matter.
The Editor will send to the peer reviewers the articles to be refereed, as well as the guide to perform the evaluation, accompanied by the evaluation form through the Open Journal System platform. The evaluation is in double-blind mode for author(s) and evaluator(s).
In case there is no agreement between the evaluations, a third evaluation will be made, following the same double-blind scheme.

Style Correction
Once the manuscript has been accepted by the evaluators and the editorial committee, the process of style correction continues, which is carried out by a professional who provides suggestions on form, such as grammar and wording. After the proofreading process is completed, suggestions for modifications are sent to the author.

Publication is the final phase of the editorial process and consists directly in publishing the article, to finally assign a DOI code. The Journal is published in two electronic volumes per year.
The Journal Investigación y Desarrollo is published every six months (two electronic editions per year) in January and July.

Open Access Policy
The journal is open access and does not charge any economic fee for publication or access to its material.

Code of Ethics
For the actions and performance of the actors involved in the publication process of this journal (editor, editorial board, reviewers and authors), the journal "Investigación y Desarrollo" follows the international code of ethics established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (Code of Conduct and Best Practices Guidelines for Journals Editors, COPE), available at https://publicationethics.org/about.



All research received for publication in this journal is subjected to anti-plagiarism review by URKUND software where grammatical and orthotypographic coincidences should not exceed 8%, otherwise the article is rejected, ensuring that the works are unpublished and meet the standards of editorial quality that guarantee own scientific production. 


Digital preservation

All the articles of the journal are deposited in the servers of the Universidad Técnica de Ambato and they elaborate a monthly backup of its database and quarterly of its server.


Responsibility statement

The content of the research submitted to the "Investigación y Desarrollo" Journal is the responsibility of the author and they attest that the work is original and unpublished, that it does not contain parts of other authors or other fragments of already published works. Furthermore, they confirm the veracity of the data, that is, that the empirical data have not been altered to verify hypotheses.