Reducing noise emission of suburban railways

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Ernesto García-Vadillo
Rakel Robles-Ampudia
Olatz Oyarzabal
Javier Astarloa


This article addresses in an accessible way the latest advances aimed at reducing railway noise. After an introductory description of the main sources of noise in railway vehicles, the paper describes the great research investment that is being made in Europe to control and reduce this noise, indicating the main research projects in progress, especially through the Public-Private Initiative Shift2Rail. The article focuses on two main aspects: rolling noise and its relationship with rails surface condition and the squealing noise produced in sharp curves and its control. The article also shows the results of a new slab track design, aimed at an easy repair in case the slab is damaged by various circumstances (seismic effects, floods, etc.) and based on continuous rail support, so that the pinned-pinned natural frequency and mode are suppressed


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How to Cite
García-Vadillo, E., Robles-Ampudia, R., Oyarzabal, O., & Astarloa, J. (2022). Reducing noise emission of suburban railways. Investigación Y Desarrollo, 16(1).