Diagnosis of the promotion of the popular and solidarity economy carried out in the large and medium-sized supermarket chains of the city of Calceta
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This research focuses on diagnosing the level of compliance with the regulation and control of market power and its impact on commercial practices for the sector of food consumption goods in large and medium supermarket chains in the city of Calceta and suppliers in Manabí belonging to the micro and small companies of the popular and solidarity economy. The deductive, inductive, analytical, synthetic, statistical and comparative research methods made it possible to systematize the information and establish the current state of business practices. Through the field study in situ, several instruments were applied, the interviews carried out with the two (2) technicians of the superintendency of control and market power, the two (2) managers of the supermarket chains that meet the criteria for the investigation of having a minimum of two boxes and also having branches, in addition forty-three (43) surveys applied to suppliers of food consumption according to categories such as bread and cereals, sugar, jam, honey, chocolate or sugar candies , salt, spices, culinary herbs belonging to the popular and solidarity economy, through stratified sampling, it was possible to know the way in which economic operators carry out their activities, having to comply with the provisions of the standard and its effect on commercial practices, reflecting non-compliance in the regulatory framework affecting micro and small suppliers. The use of the Ishikawa technique facilitated the grouping of causes and effects related to the unfavorable results detected; Through the 5w+1h matrix, actions were proposed to be overcome, thus allowing to improve the aspects with insufficient performance.
URL: https://revistas.uta.edu.ec/erevista/index.php/bcoyu/article/view/1067
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