The influence of intelligent automation on the detection of financial cybercrimen
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This article aims to review the scientific production on the influence of intelligent automation on the ability to detect financial crimes. The method is descriptive in nature, it will take care of describing events and events that occurred without making predictions, correlations or predictions, a search for information has been carried out in the main databases related to the objective. The result of the research allows us to appreciate that intelligent automation turns out to be strategic for the management of fraud risks, since with advanced technology analysis, the detection of financial crimes increases and therefore there is a decrease in economic losses. As conclusion the transformation of fraud risk management with advanced technology analysis generates an increase in the detection of financial crimes and a decrease in losses due to financial crimes. The transformation of risk management is solved on three foundations associated with advanced analysis: i) Integrating a large number of high-quality information sources, ii) More sophisticated modeling techniques, and iii) Intelligent automation technologies such as robotics.
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