Family work enrichment, job satisfaction and organizational commitment in workers of a transport company
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This study analyzes the relationship between family work enrichment, job satisfaction and organizational commitment. 118 workers from a company in the transportation sector were administered the Job-Family Enrichment Questionnaire, the Job Satisfaction Scale S10 / 12 and, finally, the Allen & Meyer Questionnaire. Significant but low relationships are observed between family work enrichment and job satisfaction, and a low and positive correlation between the variables family work enrichment and organizational commitment. The variables organizational commitment and job satisfaction do not present a statistically significant relationship or a positive relationship since the correlation coefficient is very low. Similarly, it was observed that the variable enrichment family work explains in 9,2% the variable organizational commitment and 24% the variable labor satisfaction, being in both cases a significant linear relationship between the variables. It concludes the importance of the role of work-family enrichment in the work and family life of workers and how the degree of enrichment between both spheres of people can positively or negatively affect their performance in your company, and thus also, directly productivity. Finally, the need to integrate organizational policies and practices is analyzed in order to facilitate the reconciliation of the work area with the family.
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