Implementation of a community micro industrialization and commercial company

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Wilman Carrillo Pulgar


This investigation has as an objective to evaluate the business viability for the start-up of a community micro-enterprise, which include the association of small producers of milk from the community of Tuntatacto and the processing of said raw material with the goal to generate aggregate value. The offer, demand and unsatisfied demand were determined by tracking primary information of the target market, Riobamba. The necessary resources are determined for the execution for the start-up and operation of the company, like for example, the amount of investment required and the amount of working capital for three months of operation. Finally, the financial evaluation was determined so that we can observe the final results.



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How to Cite
Carrillo Pulgar, W. (2016). Implementation of a community micro industrialization and commercial company. Bolentín De Coyuntura, (11), 7–9.
Scientific research articles