Mediciencias UTA Journal is a university publication, property of the Medical Career of the Faculty of Health Sciences, of the Technical University of Ambato; Aimed at students, teachers and professionals in the health sciences, where they complement their intellectual heritage from theoretical foundations that support medical disciplines, disseminating the results of scientific research (experimental, Clinical and pedagogical) through the presentation of different modalities of original scientific articles, which express scientific-technical advances, medical experiences, academic contributions and pedagogical contributions according to the sciences of health, as well as its academic, scientific and social impact. Only accepts original collaborations that have not been previously published under any support. He receives works in Spanish and English.


The Technical University of Ambato - UTA, has the mission of training competent leading professionals, with a humanistic vision and critical thinking through teaching, research and social linking, who apply, promote and disseminate knowledge responding to the needs of the country.