First stage analysis of linking projectswith the society in some parishes of Ambato

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M. Estenoz
L. Espinosa
M. Aldás
A. Castro


The reality found in the colleges of the Huachi Chico, Huachi Grande, Picaihua, Patate, Pelileo, Sigualo, Santa Rosa, Salasaca, Huambaló, Parishes of the Tungurahua Province was; High level of knowledge about the existence of contraceptive methods however the use of the same is penniless because there is no knowledge of a suitable method for its age and functional morphological characteristics of it. The population studied has misconceptions about the consequences that can lead to adolescent pregnancy, identifying as main cause the lack of access to sex education and communication with the family. This lack of communication means that there is no fear of having an early pregnancy. The intervention focused on the prevention of adolescent pregnancy, the risk factors to which they are exposed, the adequate use of contraceptives, and the possible consequences of adolescent pregnancy. We worked with a teen club linked to the Health Subcenters to clear questions about the issues raised.


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How to Cite
Estenoz, M., Espinosa, L., Aldás, M., & Castro, A. (2017). First stage analysis of linking projectswith the society in some parishes of Ambato. Mediciencias UTA, 1(1), 12–16. Retrieved from