Mediciencias UTA is a university publication, owned by the medical career of the Faculty of Health Sciences, of the Technical University of Ambato (UTA); Aimed at students, teachers and professionals in the health sciences, where they complement their intellectual heritage from theoretical and practical foundations that support all medical disciplines, disseminating the results of scientific research Original, by means of the presentation of different modalities of scientific articles, in which they express scientific research of impact, advances or medical experiences, academic contributions and pedagogical contributions in function of the sciences and health care, also incorporating social impact issues related to public health in the contemporary world.

Vol. 8 No. 2 (2024): April - University Magazine with scientific, academic and social projection

Published: 2024-04-01

Factors favoring Falciparum and Vivax malaria resistance in Ecuador

Tania Magdalena Cruz Gavilanes , Juan Francisco Vargas Loayza, Mauricio Nicolas Vintimilla Nivelo

2 - 7

Diabulima and social media

María Vanessa Moncayo , David Alejandro Pozo , María Belén Alvarez

8 - 20

Tropical parasitic infections. A systematic review

Javier Aquiles Hidalgo Acosta , Oscar Alberto Alarcón Zambrano , Mariuxi Stefanía Macias Cedeño , Jorge Eduardo Bejarano Macias

21 - 35

Prevalence and main risk factors associated with pediatric obesity

Carlos José Martínez Santander, Jossek Elian Cueva Lalangui , Jonnathan Mauricio Durán Ayavaca

36 - 45

The Educational Revolution: An Analysis of the Implementation of Artificial Intelligence by Teachers in the 21st Century

Ruth Amalia Estrada Zamora , María Piedad Yanza Paguay , Natali Maribel Torres Chiliguano, Gladys Amelia Muso Cantuña

46 - 55

Coping interventions for depression in patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Fernando Ramiro Urrutia Chari , Andrea Alexandra Tufiño Aguilar

56 - 75

Managment of prelabor rupture of membranes at term. Bibliographic Review

Keiko Fernanda Agualongo Valencia, Cinthia Katherine Galarza Galarza

76 - 87

Post-traumatic subdural empyema: about a case, Hospital General Puyo 2022.

Oscar Vladimir Peñaloza Ortiz , Jonathan Andrés Tubón Sarmiento , María Ximena Chiliquinga Cando , Lisette Anabel Guevara Parra , Mireya Patricia Alvarado Cajas

88 - 93

Acute liver failure in pediatric age, case report

Oscar Vladimir Peñaloza Ortiz, Lisette Anabel Guevara Parra , María Ximena Chiliquinga Cando , Tubón Sarmiento Jonathan Andrés Tubón Sarmiento Jonathan Andrés, Diana Victoria Maza Merchán

94 - 101

Uterine mesenchymal tumor: Clinical case presentation and bibliographic review

Víctor Patricio Gavilanes Sáenz , Andrea Michelle López Haro

102 - 110

Immunization against COVID-19 and its relationship with the development of dermatological lesions: a case report of lichen planus.

Jeanneth Elizabeth Jami Carrera , Luis Alexander Tixilema Arias, Lissbeth Giomara Tipantasig Paucar

111 - 116

Complementary hyperbaric therapy in bipolar disorder, Universidad Tecnica del Norte, 2022. Case rep

Christopher Nelson Calderón López , Lola Yesenia Acosta Vinueza, Jorge Elías Rivadeneira

129 - 137

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