Determination of the degrees of depression and anxiety, according to gender, in the U.T.A. students

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Dra. Xiomara Tabares
Ps. Clinico Juan Pablo Caro
Ps. Clínico Ramiro Naranjo


Thedepression and the anxietyare two of the affectivedisorders that have a great impact in the popuiation in general. Same as in the university population, are two of the main reasons to be consulted by the university welfare service. That's why, it's important to evalúate the degree of the anxiety and depression in the students in the Técnica University - Ambato. The current investigation is centered to identify the incidence of these affective disorders in the university students in the UTA, through the scores obtained in the eck's Depression inventory, the scale of depression of Hamiiton and the scaie of depression of Montgomery- Asberg in the case of depression and through the in ventory ofanxiety ofBeck and the scale ofanxiety ofHamiiton. This study is not >'''-.y experimental, it's a type of descriptive transversal. i 'S
The resuits obtained don't provide information about the predisposing, trigger o maintainers of the disorders investigated but it isan evidence of the presence inthe university students, and it registers a great deal of the same in the students in the feminine gender.


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How to Cite
Dra. Xiomara Tabares, Ps. Clinico Juan Pablo Caro, & Ps. Clínico Ramiro Naranjo. (2010). Determination of the degrees of depression and anxiety, according to gender, in the U.T.A. students. Investigación Y Desarrollo, 2(4), 87–92.

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