Communication-interaction between the actors of the learning process in the Amazon context in the Health Emergency by COVID-19

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Odila Mena Hidalgo
Boris Farez Paguay
Ana Villón -Tomalá


The Ecuadorian Educational System faced a complex challenge in relation to the health crisis caused by COVID-19. Correspondingly, the main objective of this research is to recognize the communication-interaction processes between educational actors during the health emergency in the territory, specifically in the Province of Orellana. In order to do this, a descriptive and analytical investigation, which inquired about the communication-interaction processes between teachers and students, was carried out. Ninety-six teachers who belong to different educational establishments in the counties of Orellana Province took participated. Fifty-four of them work in La Joya de los Sachas Canton, thirty-six in Francisco de Orellana; five in Loreto and one in Aguarico. It should be noted that the last two locations have limited access to connectivity due to geographical particularities. The indicators analyzed were connectivity, digital competences, and educational practice in the context of the Health Emergency [ES]. The information provided by the participants allowed to recognize the current educational situation in the province regarding the reduction of the digital gap proposed by the Digital Educational Agenda [AED] approach. Based on the information, it was emphasized that the Emergency Education [EE] in Orellana has been developed in a scenario limited by the connectivity of the area. These limitations are the result of public actions carried out in education, communication, and technology


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How to Cite
Hidalgo, O. M., Paguay, B. F., & -Tomalá, A. V. (2020). Communication-interaction between the actors of the learning process in the Amazon context in the Health Emergency by COVID-19. Investigación Y Desarrollo, 12(1), 34–41.