Efficacy of Equine Therapy with Rehabilitative Treatment in Multiple Sclerosis.
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Introduction: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is known as progressive demyelinating disease that affects the nervous system. Equinotherapyis a therapeutic alternative used for the rehabilitation of patients with neurodegenerative diseases.
Objective: To evaluatethe Therapeutic Efficacy of Associated or Non-Rehabilitative Equinotherapy in Multiple Sclerosis.
Material and methods: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo con diseño experimental en pacientes atendidos en el Hospital de Rehabilitación “Faustino Perez Hernández” en el período comprendido de febrero a marzo del 2016 y febrero a marzo del 2017. La muestra seconstituyó por las 10 personas del sexo femenino que ingresaron en el período objeto de estudio entre 25 y 65 años se le aplicó tratamiento rehabilitador en el 2016 y ese mismo grupo en el 2017 con tratamiento rehabilitador y equinoterapia. Se confeccionóuna encuesta general a su ingreso; un modelo de seguimiento y se aplicó el cuestionario, al final del tratamiento obteniendo el dato primario.
Results: Equine Therapy is a method that makes it possible to strengthen muscles restoring lost mobility, improve balance and coordination, help solve emotional problems in people, allows proper management of aggressive impulses, increases self-confidence, self-esteem, improves adaptability, cooperation, sense of responsibility, strengthens attention, mental focus and communication.
Conclusion: Rehabilitative treatment attached to Equine Therapy is effective in MS as the improvement of its symptomatology is obtained in a short period of time.