Contenido principal del artículo
Introduction: The incidence of breast cancer has increased and there are areas aimed at timely diagnosis and intervention, identifying the screening capacity of the Mexican healthcare system, which is the main area of opportunity. When patients are informed, anxiety decreases and their psychological state improves. Objective: Explore the characterization of users of screening and diagnostic mammography for breast cancer, in the private healthcare area of Mexico. Methods: Data from 150 women were collected in a spreadsheet and analyzed in Stata. Univariate analysis for continuous variables and relative frequencies for qualitative variables were used. The relationship between quantitative variables was explored using scatter plots. Results: The survey found that women scheduled for mammograms, although they have moderate concerns. This shows a strong link between their level of knowledge about the procedure and their concern. Personal and medical characteristics did not significantly affect this concern. Conclusions: Patients with more information about mammography had a lower level of concern.
Keywords: breast cancer, information, mammography, autonomy
Detalles del artículo

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