Published: 2020-10-01

Current diagnosis and treatment of Dieulafoy vascular lesions

Alejandro Mayorga Garcés, Cecilia Tene Jaramillo, Jessica Rodríguez Jordán, Pedro Sánchez Cajo, Fernando Miranda Buenaño, William Salazar Cáceres

13 - 18

Emerging technologies with application in Health: development of an integrated platform for the evaluation of risk factors, diagnosis, treatment, prognosis and geolocation in Pandemic Covid- 19 by SARSCov- 2.

Lizette Elena Leiva Suero, Ricardo Xavier Proaño Alulema, Jesús Onorato Chicaiza Tayupanta, Ricardo Javier Recalde Navarrete, Elena Vicenta Hernández Navarro

19 - 28

Respiratory distrés in Covid-19: epidemiology, physiopathology and its ventilatory management.

Marco Alfonso Díaz Piedrahita, Fabián Alejandro Suin Guaraca, Edison Javier Martínez Calderón

29 - 37

Prevention of Covid 2019, a community strategy.

Elena Vicenta Hernández Navarro, Gabriela Estefanía Robalino Morales, Lizette Elena Leiva Suero, Sandra Elizabeth Villacís Valencia, Josué Acosta Acosta

46 - 53

Choledochal cyst

Raúl Villacis, David Aulestia, Hernán Reyes, Carlos Vega Cueva

54 - 58

Berdon syndrome: clinical case report in Ecuador

Cristhian Alexander Quinaluisa Erazo, Jair Germánico Albán Recalde, Santiago Alexis Naranjo Tipán, Josselyn Lizeth Morejón Brazale

59 - 66

Waardenburg Syndrome Type I unusual condition in pediatric population.

Valeria Espín, Johanna Barriga, María Aldás, Verónica Vargas

67 - 71

Wallenberg syndrome in young adult

Pablo Antonio Espín De la Torre, Diego Armando Auqui Carangui

72 - 78

Viral disease by SARS-CoV2 virus in children. Filing a case

Carolina Galarza De la A., Josue Acosta Acosta, Sandra Villacis Valencia, Jessica Acosta Cabello

86 - 90

Bile ileus as a rare cause of obstructive acute abdomen, clinical case presentation

Víctor Hugo Asquel Cadena, Abel Hernández Solar, Evelyn Nataly Moreno Caballeros, Marco Alfonso Díaz Piedrahita

100 - 105

Indifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma of high degree of left atrial a rare entity: report of a case

Pablo Antonio Espín De la Torre, Doris Monserrath Proaño Narváez, Diego Armando Auqui Carangui

106 - 111

Clinical, Therapeutic And Prognostic Characterization In Lupic Nephritis, About A Case.

María Augusta Solís Serrano, Gabriela de las Mercedes Cadena Garcés, Verónica Gabriela Salinas Velastegui

112 - 120

Epidemiological alert to tackle COVID 19: review of a case in the community of Sanbuenaventura –Latacunga

Carmina Alexandra García Macías, Leticia Remón Ramírez, Orlando Jesús Castro Hayes, Miriam Ivonne Fernández Nieto

121 - 125

Relationship of body shape index with body composition analysis indicators in adult obese patients

Elizabeth Quiroga Torres, Diana Martínez García, Willian Moyano Calero, José Luis Herrera López

126 - 131