Post-traumatic subdural empyema: about a case, Hospital General Puyo 2022.

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Oscar Vladimir Peñaloza Ortiz
Jonathan Andrés Tubón Sarmiento
María Ximena Chiliquinga Cando
Lisette Anabel Guevara Parra
Mireya Patricia Alvarado Cajas


Introduction: We present the clinical case of a 17-year-old male patient with a history of having suffered a traumatic brain injury three weeks before his admission to the Emergency Department, with a diagnosis of cranial epidural abscess and subdural empyema, which are usually complications. of sinusitis, or otitis media, but can occur after other ear infections, trauma or skull surgery and, rarely, bacteremia.
Objective: Describe a clinical case of post-traumatic subdural empyema, know the clinical picture, diagnostic methods and therapeutic management.
Methodology: Report and analysis of a clinical case with an observational and retrospective approach, supported by the review of updated bibliography.
Results: It was established that the clinical picture of post-traumatic subdural empyema is varied, knowing the signs, symptoms and risk factors allows increasing the diagnostic suspicion in the emergency area and implementing timely treatment.
Conclusions: Intracranial subdural empyema is rare, morbidity and mortality are significantly high, timely diagnosis and subsequent implementation of antibiotics and surgical drainage are necessary with the purpose of reducing mortality. A multidisciplinary team is required including emergency, intensive care unit, neurosurgery, many require long-term anti-epileptic medications and physiotherapy for further recovery.


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How to Cite
Peñaloza Ortiz , O. V., Tubón Sarmiento , J. A., Chiliquinga Cando , M. X., Guevara Parra , L. A., & Alvarado Cajas, M. P. (2024). Post-traumatic subdural empyema: about a case, Hospital General Puyo 2022. Mediciencias UTA, 8(2), 88–93.
Clinical case presentation article

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