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Introduction: Therapeutic adherence is the degree to which a patient's behavior follows medical instructions regarding taking medication. Discontinuing hormonal contraceptive treatment impacts effectiveness, leading to unwanted pregnancies. Objective: To analyze the published scientific evidence on factors related to lack of adherence to the use of hormonal contraceptive methods in women of reproductive age. Methods: Research guided by the guidelines of the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) Manual, in accordance with the PRISMA -ScR guide for scoping reviews, with a search in some databases such as PubMed, Scopus, LILACS, SciELO and Google Scholar. The selection of evidence was individualized, carried out by two reviewers using RAYYAN software, with activated blinding, with analysis of studies with quantitative and qualitative methodological designs. There were no restrictions regarding language or publication date. The variables analyzed were: use of hormonal contraceptives in women of reproductive age and factors associated with lack of adherence. A total of 15 studies were included for the review. Results: It was established that lack of adherence is associated with factors inherent to the patient (age, level of education, forgetfulness, economic resources, beliefs), to the therapy (side effects) and to the relationship between health personnel and the health system (counseling). Conclusions: These factors must be addressed from public health policies to ensure adequate adherence and safe use of hormonal contraception.
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