Gait in older adults, a warning factor in the face of frailty.
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Introduction: The elderly face a series of physiological and morphological changes that constantly test their ability to adapt, if they do not have healthy tools and habits, deterioration will lead to functional frailty. Gait is an important factor in maintaining functional independence, the detriment of speed is a sign that alerts us to physical decline and more serious complications.
Objectives: To establish the influence of walking as a frailty alert factor in the elderly.
Material and Methods: Two groups of older adults participated in the research: institutionalized and day care. It was evaluated through a therapeutic file that collected sociodemographic and habit information. Important sociodemographic data, pre-existing habits and health were taken, in addition, (SPPB) Short Physical Performance Battery test and Yesavage scale, these data were synthesized to relate to the frailty factors found.
Results: The gait of the elderly can be modified due to gait speed, poor health habits, impaired balance, decreased muscle strength and these factors are an alert to the fragility that may occur.
Conclusions: Of the factors that can trigger frailty in the elderly, the most representative is gait speed.
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