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Nathaly Stefania Sanmartin Espinosa
Lupe Karolyne Torres Nole
Sara Margarita Saraguro Salinas


Introduction: Care is the essence of nursing, applying it to a sick or healthy individual requires a long and complicated process, requiring the professional to direct the patient's restoration, conservation and self-care. Faye G. Abdellah's theory is not limited to caring for the sick, but includes caregivers, seeking to maintain and achieve physical, psychological and social balance, a theory that affirms that nursing is an art and science that allows shaping attitudes, skills theoretical and intellectual capacity. Objectives: Analyze the nursing care process in Teaching Care Units. Methods: Quantitative, non-experimental, cross-sectional research, carried out in the city of Machala-Ecuador, with a census sample of 95 nursing professionals, the survey was used to investigate the nursing care process. Results: There is a predominance of the female sex 76.84%, with third level 55.78% and 21.05% with a master's degree. 100% did not receive information about Faye G. Abdellah's theory during their academic training, but they did receive information about Virginia Henderson 97.9% and Callista Roy 2.1%. Conclusions: There was a predominance of female nursing professionals, graduates, aged between 46-55 years and 6-8 years of work. All nursing professionals know about the PAE and the 5 stages, most consider that the diagnosis is based on the axis, achieved through the history presented by the patient, that the approach of the PAE is multidisciplinary. Although none of them in their academic training received information about Faye G. Abdellah's theory (21 nursing problems), almost all of them state that Virginia Henderson's Theory is the best to meet the patient's needs and a small group considers Callista Roy's.


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How to Cite
Sanmartin Espinosa, N. S., Torres Nole , L. K., & Saraguro Salinas , S. M. (2025). NURSING CARE PROCESS IN TEACHING CARE UNITS. Enfermería Investiga, 10(1), 14–21.
Artículo original


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