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Introduction: Surgical smoke is a by-product of the use of thermal instruments during surgical procedures, which may contain hazardous substances and particles that can negatively affect the health. Objective: To create and validate an instrument for self-perception of health effects due to smoke generated by surgical procedures. Methods: Quantitative approach, non-experimental and cross-sectional design with a descriptive scope, which included an exhaustive review of the literature, content validation by a panel of experts, pilot tests with health professionals and several reviews to ensure the reliability of the instrument. Results: The validated questionnaire consisted of 14 items classified into two dimensions: physical effects (items 1 to 7) and psychological effects (items 8 to 14). The Cronbach's alpha coefficient showed a high level of internal consistency, with values of 0.83 for the physical dimension, and 0.94 for the psychological dimension, which generally obtained a Cronbach's alpha of 0.88. The instrument effectively includes the effects reported by professionals exposed to surgical smoke in a specific manner, thus improving the understanding of occupational risks in operating theatres. Conclusions: The validated questionnaire represents a reliable and appropriate instrument for application in future research, as well as in the formulation of preventive strategies aimed at improving the occupational health of operating theatre staff.
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