The hepatic enzymes study in front of the consumption of alcoholic beverages in college students.
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The present research analyzes the possible changes in the enzymatic marks of the liver in college students from the major of “Laboratorio Clínico de la Universidad Técnica de Ambato” as a consequence of the elevated range of consumption of alcoholic beverages through the analyses of hepatic enzymes in the laboratory.
To develop the following investigation a sample of 160 students 18 to 25 years old from a population of 272 using the STATS app. Therefore, Neyman stratification was used to choose the students from the courses of the first to eighth semesters to whom a survey and a sample of laboratory analysis in the chemistry team CST 180DIRUI with the corresponding permission of each student. Also, the SPSS statistics program is used.
The results gathered from the laboratory from the fourth measurands analyzed (Phosphatase, alkaline, Glutamyltransferase range, aspartate aminotransferase/AST, and aspartate aminotransferase/ALT) it is determined that nine students from the major of “Laboratorio clinico” have high elevated levels in the fourth parameters of analysis. In addition, with the surveys applied it is shown that 76,4% starts to consume alcoholic beverages at 17-18 years old, and 22,7% at 15-16 years old. So, the time during the consumption is a key factor for the enzymes’ hepatic alteration.
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