Enfermería Investiga is an international, peer-reviewed health sciences journal that considers original contributions to nursing and medical practice, health sciences education, and related fields.
Enfermería Investiga publishes four issues per year in January, April, July, and December. It disseminates original research articles, reviews, and clinical case studies in all areas of health and social sciences, with an emphasis on nursing practice: community nursing, social-polyvalent nursing, sexual-reproductive health, primary care nursing, public health, and bioethics.
Online ISSN: 2550-6692 ISSN: 2477-9172 Enfermería Investiga is indexed in: LATINDEX, REDIB, UNIVERSIA, GOOGLE SCHOLAR, BASE Bielefeld, SIS Scientific Indexing Services, OCLC, CUIDATGE, Data Bases (SIICDB), Ibero-American Society of Scientific Information Databases (SIIC), ERIH PLUS The European Science Foundation, CIBERE Ibero-American Council of Nursing Journal Editors, Fundación Index (Spain), Editorial, Ulrichsweb & Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, ProQuest, EuroPub Database, Electronic Journals Library EZB, University of Regensburg (Universität Regensburg), Germany.
Published: 2025-01-06