Prevalence of burnout syndrome in the health personnel of the Basic Hospital Pelileo. Is there burnout syndrome in a Second Level Hospital?

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Verónica Cristina Jurado Melo
Víctor Patricio Gavilanes Sáenz
Génesis Elizabeth Mayorga Zurita
Jessy Mariana Robayo Carrillo


Introduction: The Burnout syndrome is defined as a psychological condition characterized by physical and intellectual exhaustion, depersonalization and reduced personal accomplishment. It affects who works with people. It is a response to chronic stress at work and it can have serious consequences on the health of those who suffer and at the same time can generate negative attitudes towards people with whom they work.

Objetive: To determine the prevalence of Professional Burnout Syndrome by Maslach Test in health personnel staff of “Pelileo” Hospital.                                                                                        

Materials and Methods: Prevalence Analitycal Transverse study desing. The Maslash test was applied to a total of 40 participants, 6 specialist physicians,10 residents,21 nurses,1 social worker,1 dentist,1 phychologist in “Pelileo” hospital who met the established inclusion and exclusion criteria.

Results: The prevalence of Professional Burnout Syndrome in Health staff of “Pelileo” Hospital is 15 %, the study of the group most affected is resident physicians.  The study group that is most affected are resident with a prevalence of 30%. It found a statistically significant association p <0.001 between: Burnout and divorced marital status, age 25 a 35 years; take continuos 24 horas shifts. The prevalence de of burnout was higher in the group of women. However, no statistically significant difference   was found when comparing gender. The dimension of sindrome most affected was emotion exhaustion, followed by low personal fulfillment and depersonalization. When analyzing the subscales, they all showed higher scores in resident physicians.                                                                                                      

Conclusions: The prevalence of Burnout syndrome in healthcare personnel the “Pelileo” Hospital is 15%, the prevalence is higher in resident doctors, Burnout is associated with take continuos 24 horas shifts


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How to Cite
Jurado Melo, V. C., Gavilanes Sáenz, V. P., Mayorga Zurita, G. E., & Robayo Carrillo, J. M. (2022). Prevalence of burnout syndrome in the health personnel of the Basic Hospital Pelileo. Is there burnout syndrome in a Second Level Hospital?. Mediciencias UTA, 6(1), 31–39.
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