Main Article Content
Disruptive Education focuses on innovating and updating traditional educational models, seeking to adapt teaching to contemporary challenges and the fast-paced evolution of technology and society. It has its roots in a series of pedagogical movements and educational theories that questioned traditional models and sought alternatives for meaningful learning, fostering development and adaptability to contemporary needs (1-3).
The Constructivist Theory, whose foremost representatives were Piaget and Vygotsky, contributed to the development of disruptive education through active learning and the influence of experience and social interaction in constructing new knowledge. They challenged traditional teaching models, paving the way for approaches where the student is an active agent in their own learning process (2-4).
On the other hand, Critical Pedagogy, whose most significant representative is Paulo Freire, in his work Pedagogy of the Oppressed, criticized the "banking education" model, where knowledge is merely deposited in students. Instead, he advocated for a liberated education in which dialogue and active participation enable students to become agents of change and transformers of society, which demands new knowledge. His emphasis on "conscientization" views education as a tool for emancipation that decisively influenced the emergence of disruptive education by placing the student at the center of the educational process, fostering autonomy in learning, and developing critical thinking (5-7).
Likewise, Connectivism, represented by George Siemens and Stephen Downes, emerged with the rise of technology and information. Connectivism considers learning as a process occurring through a network of connections between information nodes. They promoted the idea that, in the digital age, learning happens not only in the classroom but also through networks, online communities, and technological tools that enhance the quality of education by providing new didactic instruments (6-8).
Furthermore, Disruptive Innovation, led by Clayton Christensen, introduced the concept of "disruptive innovation," significantly influencing the educational field. It encouraged the use of disruptive technologies with the potential to transform entire industries, including higher education. This approach redefined higher education as a flexible and adaptable process, allowing students to personalize their learning experience (9-10).
It is impossible to overlook the contributions of Sugata Mitra, a renowned educator and researcher known for his "Hole in the Wall" experiment, where he placed computers in rural areas of India and demonstrated that children could learn autonomously by interacting with technology. His concept of "Schools in the Cloud" has been embraced in disruptive education as an example of promoting student autonomy (1,2-5).
Sir Ken Robinson, in his famous TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) talk, posed the question Do Schools Kill Creativity?, advocating for an educational model that prioritizes creativity and adapts learning to students' individual skills. He emphasized the need for a flexible education that fosters educational innovation and allows students to freely explore and develop their talents while questioning rigid and standardized educational practices (6-8).
Another notable figure in pedagogy and didactics is Salman Khan, founder of Khan Academy, who is considered a pioneer in disruptive education through online learning and the flipped classroom model. His platform has enabled millions of students to learn at their own pace, with permanent access to free educational resources, promoting a developmental, accessible, and personalized educational model.
It is also essential to consider Daphne Koller and Andrew Ng, co-founders of Coursera, an interactive platform for Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) that promotes global access to quality education. Their focus on democratizing education allows students worldwide to access content from prestigious universities without the geographical and financial barriers of traditional formal education (7-10).
A very notable contribution comes from Eric Mazur, a Harvard professor and promoter of the Peer Instruction method, which encourages collaborative learning and knowledge exchange among students. By challenging the traditional teaching model, he promoted active learning, where students strengthen their deep understanding and critical thinking by explaining and discussing concepts with their peers (1-4).
Finally, the contributions of John Seely Brown have been fundamental to the development of organizational learning. As the co-author of A New Culture of Learning, he is a strong advocate for learning environments that encourage curiosity, experimentation, and collaboration. He proposes a paradigm shift in which learning is integrated into all aspects of life, and new technologies facilitate more dynamic, inclusive, and participatory learning experiences (5-7).
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