Published: 2021-10-01

Influence of Spirulina (Arthrospira platensis) as a functional food in chronic diseases

Leidy Jazmin Guaygua Arroyo, Victoria Monserratte Carrasco Pérez, Verónica Natali Chauca Toapanta

7 - 12

Microalgae as a substitute for proteins of animal origin

Gissela Estefanía Quinapanta Pérez, Andrea Johanna Basantes Chango, Evelyn Tatiana Vásquez Quishpe

13 - 21

Artocarpus Heterophyllus (Jackfruit): anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Literature review

Marilyn Anaísza Guamán Chipantiza, Joceline Lizbeth Paredes Játiva, Domenica Monserrath Robayo Poveda

22 - 26

Glutathione-generating cysteine and its antioxidant effect in patients on parenteral nutrition

Stephany María Aldás Garcés, Jennifer Paola Barrera Morales, Erika Michelle Guevara Arroba

27 - 32

Aerobic exercise in reducing pain in knee osteoarthritis

Rommel Fernando Balda Ulloa; Mónica Cristina Tello Moreno, Msc, Bryan Alexander Guingla Lucio, Estudiante

41 - 43

Core stabilization exercises for the low back pain of gestant mothers

Delia Rocío Muyulema Moyolema; Mónica Cristina Tello, Mónica Cristina Tello; Mariela Carolina Ocaña, Mayra Daniela Jurado

44 - 50

Pelvic floor strengthening as a non-invasive treatment for urinary incontinence in female mountain athletes.

Mayra Cecilia Garcia Moya, María Narciza Cedeño Zamora, Paola Gabriela Ortiz Villalba, Evelyn Johanna Pacha Jara

51 - 56

Kinesiotherapy in the prevention of functional disorders of the upper limb post breast cancer surgery

Mayra Daniela Jurado Mogollón, Gabriela Estefanía Robalino Morales, Delia Del Rocío Muyulema Moyolema

57 - 63

“Biomechanical Reeducation in Postural Correction of Older Adults’’

Mariela Carolina Ocaña Guerrero, Alicia Marifernanda Zavala Calahorrano, María Gabriela Ortiz Reyes

64 - 69

Basal Stimulation in Older Adults With Balance and Gait Problems

Jesenia Elizabeth Carrasco Cajo, Jazmín Micaela Montero Guizado, Ivan Patricio Valente Anilema

70 - 74

Balance and coordination exercises in the older adult at risk of falling

Gabriela Maribel Ortiz Reyes, Darío Fernando Pérez Pérez, Delia Del Roció Muyulema Moyolema, Luis Ernesto Córdova Velasco

75 - 81

Kaltenborn method on functionality in rotator cuff syndrome

Ana Victoria Mullo Manovanda, Fisioterapeuta, Ana Cristina Díaz Cevallos, Fisioterapeuta, Andrés Ulises López Martínez, Fisioterapeuta, Angela Priscila Campos Moposita, Fisioterapeuta, Andrea Guissela Lozada Castro

82 - 86

Psychomotor Skills in the Older Adult Through Multisensory Stimulation

Elias Germanico Gualpa Ramón, Diana Sarco Tipan, Cecilia Toscano Teneda, Silvia Del Pilar Vallejo Chinche

87 - 91

Physical Activity with the Use of a Therapeutic Balloon in Chronic Low Back Pain

Silvia Del Pilar Vallejo Chinche, Sonia Alexandra Alvarez, Carmen Viteri Robayo, Elias Germánico Gualpa

92 - 97

Frenkel Exercises on Balance in Older Adults

Jazmín Micaela Montero Guizado, María Narciza Cedeño, Jesenia Elizabeth Carrasco

98 - 103

Core and functional strength assessment in athletes

Angela Priscila Campos Moposita, Magister, Victoria Estefanía Espín Pastor, Master, Grace Verónica Moscoso Córdova, Magister, Andrés Ulises López Martínez, Magister, Ana Victoria Mullo Manovanda, Magister, Paul Adrián Arias Córdova, Magister, Karla Belén Chicaiza Bosquez, Estudiante de la Carrera Terapia Física

104 - 112

Neuromuscular proprioceptive facilitation in older adults with knee osteoarthritis

Iván Patricio Valente Anilema, Gabriela Estefania Robalino Morales, Jesenia Elizabeth Carrasco Cajo

113 - 118

Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation in older adults with knee pain

Gabriela Cristina Manzano Vinueza, María Augusta Latta Sánchez, Fisioterapeuta, Paúl Adrián Arias Córdova

119 - 125

Myofascial Release Technique at Trapeze Trigger Points For Cervical Pain

Cecilia Natividad Guamán Capito, Sonia Alexandra Álvarez Carrión, Carmen Viteri Robayo, Cynthia Elizabeth Pilco Toscano, Carlos Danilo Guaman Capito, Angel Patricio Ipiales Estrella

126 - 133

Effects of Plyometry for the Physiotherapeutic Treatment of Sports Knee Injuries

Sonia Alexandra Álvarez Carrión, Carmen Viteri Robayo, Silvia del Pilar Vallejo Chinche, Eimy Carolina Zurita Alvarez, Cecilia Natividad Guamán Capito

134 - 138

Effectiveness of rhythm therapy on cognitive functions during isolation Covid-19

Josselyn Gabriela Bonilla Ayala, Alicia Zavala Calahorrano, Geovanna Cristina Almeida Villegas

139 - 144

Myofascial release in upper cruciate syndrome in administrative personnel

Geovanna Cristina Almeida Villegas, Andrea Carolina Peñafiel Luna, Lucia Latenia Cali Moya, Josselyn Gabriela Bonilla Ayala

145 - 149

Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders in Students Receiving Online Classes.

Cynthia Elizabeth Pilco Toscano, Luis Felipe Arellano Franco, Diego Patricio Calero Jiménez, Patricia Alejandra Villota Rodríguez, Cecilia Natividad Guamán Capito

150 - 156

Efectos de la música en el rendimiento funcional de universitarios

Grace Veronica Moscoso Cordova, Victoria Estefanía Espín Pastor, Magister, Paola Gabriela Ortiz Villalba, Magister, Mónica del Rocio Caiza Vega, Magister, Elvis José Zabala Peñaloza, Estudiante

157 - 161

Physical activity related to the optimal development of cognitive functions in the elderly

Jessica Alexandra Rivera Quinatoa, Gabriela Robalino Morales, Denis Jimenez

162 - 167

Assessment of joint amplitude, stability and shoulder strength in athletes to detect GIRD

Andrés Ulises López Martínez, Victoria Estefanía Espín Pastor, Ana Victoria Mullo Manobanda, Angela Priscila Campos Moposita, Diana Estefanía Coque Molina


Effectiveness of the POLD Method as a Treatment in Elderly Patients with low back Pain

Patricia Alejandra Villota Rodríguez, Luis Felipe Arellano Franco, Cynthia Elizabeth Pilco Toscano

174 - 180

Manual therapy on non-specific low back pain present in people who train in the gym

Paúl Adrián Arias Córdova, Lcdo Ft, Victoria Espín Pastor, Lcda Ft, Gabriela Manzano Vinueza, Lcda Ft, Angela Campos Moposita, Lcda Ft, Sonia Guanopatin Caisaguano

181 - 189